
Sunday 13 November 2011

Macro Monday - Large and Little

OK, so I admit that spiders may not be the most popular creatures in the world. OK, so I admit that they weird me out more than any other creature. But you have to admit that they are remarkable none the less.

The Huntsman is the classic “there’s a huge spider in the bathroom” spider of our area. Their ability to move sideways into thin cracks is very off putting to say the least. I found this one loitering on a red brick wall on the way home – the bricks give a nice sense of scale.

At the other end of the market is this jumping spider I found on the fly wire of a window this weekend. It’s not large - maybe 10mm at best. It would have a hard job intimidating a rice grain if the truth be told.

So, you may not enjoy them – but I doubt you can ignore them either.

You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday.

You can see the most recent post to my other blog by clicking on the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the page.

Enjoy the close ups!


  1. we have wolf spiders here - very similar to your huntsman. huge and yes, geek-inspiring, but harmless. now those stinkin' jumping spiders - they're aggressive!

  2. You are right not my favourite especially when they come that big. I have not problem with Fred and Freda who live in my car, all 7mm of them but anything bigger no. Thanks for sharing these!! ;)

  3. Oh and as for ones that jump....NO!

  4. remarkable and necessary but it doesn't mean we have to like them!

  5. a fascinating creature to photograph, but I wouldn't want to find it in my bathroom!

  6. Spiders are interesting creatures. Many a times I spot a spider underneath a leaf with an unsuspecting insect above the same leaf.

  7. I have to admit...they are fascinating to watch n photograph them in their webs...but only from a distance! Nice shots!

  8. Great shots but these are sending shivers down my spine Stewart! The first time I saw a real live Huntsman, my jaw dropped and all the food I was chewing fell out of my mouth! One creture I could never get used to while living in Oz!

  9. Most of the spiders around here are pretty harmless. I must say that huntsman is quite impressive.


  10. Great shots but glad they are only photos!

  11. Spiders....definitly don't like them especially if they jump. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Nice macros, Stewart! The Huntsman is really interesting... looks a little like a tarantula. Really big!

  13. Can't say I'm crazy about them, but they are remarkable. Very nice macros of them. Have a nice week. Mickie :)

  14. Beautiful macro's of the spiders!
    I love spiders... ;-))
    Great shots Stewart.
    Greetings from Holland,
    Anna :-))

  15. Great shots Stewart!

    I love photographing the spiders in our garden (St Andrew's Cross & Tent Spiders) - I find them fascinating. But I don't think I would photograph huntsmans!!

  16. Stuart, that's not a huntsman. That's freaking Shelob!

  17. Oh my that Huntsman spider is a Big One, very fascinating and I love the contrast against the brick.
    Those "Jumping" spiders scare the heebie jeebies out of me.
    Great shots.

  18. Great macro shots -- that one on the window screen is amazing. I am not terribly afraid of spiders, but I don't care for them in the house. (I once worked for a man who wouldn't kill them no matter what -- he talked about watching one in the corner of his bathtub.) And yup he really WAS that weird of a boss@

  19. Oh my, that's a big spider. Great macros!
