
Tuesday 29 November 2011

World Bird Wednesday - Nankeen Night Heron

On the last afternoon in Perth I managed to sneak away to a local lake – it was so full of life I think it may have been making coal! I had seen it the night before from Kings Park – the highest point in Perth – and it looked like a cut off section of the Swan River.

The best find was this immature Nankeen Night Heron. It was just sitting there near the water’s edge. It was so cooperative I actually began to suspect in was dead. But I did eventually see it move! Hard to believe this was taken in a place surrounded by main road in peak hour traffic!

You can find more birds from around the world at World Bird Wednesday.

You can also see the most recent post on my other blog by clicking the Paying Ready Attention picture on the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the birds.


  1. What a beautiful Heron.
    I haven't seen a Heron for years.
    Have a great day.

  2. A wonderful Heron to see..
    Beautiful images Stewart.

  3. He's a beauty Stewart. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  4. I love herons and this one is beautiful..I love to watch their fishing technique

  5. Stewart, beautiful Heron and lovely photos.

  6. A great find Stewart and great photos to go with it. Sometimes, in busy places, birds get so used to humans that they are easier to approach than out in the bush.

  7. oooohhhhh i just love it!!

    herons are one of my favorites, occasionally they have let me come quite close to them!!

    i have had that thought myself, when you think they should be movin' and their not!!

  8. Oh! This is another type of heron. The ones here are totally white. A great find and glad it stood still.

  9. The details are wonderful. Thanks, Stewart!

  10. Great captures Stewart. It seems strange to find bird amongst traffic.

  11. wow, I enjoy looking at the birds. Beautiful...

    The Places

  12. Herons are species, which we do not have here.
    It is so fine to see new species from these sites and excellent photos about them as your images today.
    Thank you for stopping be and commenting!

  13. Gorgeous looking heron, Stewart! Great shots!

  14. Great shot Stewart, the bird life over here is amazing, one of my favourite things to snap!

  15. I love night herons. We used to visit a rookery in Eureka California every once in a while and we stopped there on this roadtrip, but the tree had been cut down. I was so sad. i hope they found a good place to live instead. (We didn't have time to ask anyone.)

  16. Beautiful image of the Night Heron, Stewart. Holding so still, the bird probably thought it was invisible!

  17. Night Heron is an interesting bird. Love your shots. :)

    About waxwing...the are not here every year. Two years ago they were completly gone. I did not see any at all. This fall there are flocks of hundreds. Maybe three hudnred. The air filled whith its song.

  18. Please, please, I hope your readers are clicking to enlarge these gorgeous pictures. What a knock out image of this beautiful heron. For some reason, the fact that it was hiding in plain sight inside city limits makes it all the more remarkable.
    Brilliant work Stewart!

  19. He's a beaut! Perhaps he had his eye on something tasty for dinner!

  20. These are wonderful shots, Stewart! I love the beautiful patterning of the Night Heron's feathers.

  21. What a beautiful heron. I clicked on the large view and the details are wonderful.

  22. He is so different from the Night Herons we have here. What a beauty! I'm glad he was so cooperative and let you take such great shots.
