
Tuesday 27 December 2011

World Bird Wednesday - Royal Spoonbills

A walk by the Barwon River on Christmas afternoon yielded these Royal Spoonbills. These birds are about 75 cm tall and the remarkable black bill is a giveaway as to which of your two species you are looking at.

Had I not been wearing semi-smart sandals (you can tell I live in Australia – I have dress sandals!) I may have got involved in a bit more wading and mud hopping to get closer to the birds. But, as it was Christmas day I decided that discretion was the better part of valour!

You can find more birds from around the world at World Bird Wednesday.

You can also see the most recent post on my other blog by clicking the Paying Ready Attention picture on the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the birds.


  1. Your Spoonbills are cool looking birds. I would love to see them in person. Great shots.

  2. what cool black spoons! and, yes, i'm guessing you made a wise choice on the sandals...

  3. Love the spoonbills -- another variety from the ones we have here, but just as interesting.

    The two kinds of sandals bit sounds a lot like Florida.

  4. Oh lucky you to have sighted these royal spoonbills!

    FYI: I too have sandals I don't wear just anywhere. :)

  5. They are so interesting to watch!
    Have a nice last days of this year:)

  6. I'd love to see a Spoonbill.
    I think the ones we get here occasionally are different to these.

  7. Great captures, Stewart. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  8. Fantastic birds to see... lovely images.

  9. They are really beautiful birds!

  10. Great shots!
    Wish I could see those beautiful birds here.

  11. Those are really neat birds which I would love to see but you have me thinking, "dress sandals"? I barely have a pair of dress shoes.

  12. Excellent capture Stewart. I don't blame you a bit for saving your "semi-smart sandals" from unnecessary wear and tare but, I could never understand why descretion was the better part of valour.
    Happy New Year!

  13. Lovely catches! I envy you for these guys. I just love those big beaks :)

  14. Happy New Year, Stewart! I know what dress sandals are. They have them in Germany too, worn with socks, very proper. Love your spoonbills!
