
Tuesday 24 January 2012

World Bird Wednesday - A walk on the beach

During the holiday I took a walk on the beach in that magic hour when the day is just about over, but the evening has not yet taken hold.

None of the birds I saw were really unexpected, but none the less they were very welcome. They become my constant companions during my time away.

So, with no more fuss or fanfare here they are – Silver Gull, Pacific Gull and Pied Oystercatcher.

You can find more birds from around the world at World Bird Wednesday.

You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the birds.


  1. Looks like you had great company for an evening stroll, camera and subjects what more could a guy want!!

  2. Such lovely captures of the winged ones. I love the shadows and reflections

  3. those oystercatchers are so fascinating to me! love their coloration!

  4. Lovely images Stewart they are all wonderful to see...

  5. Great birds, Stewart. The oystercatcher is my favorite. Great shots.

  6. You caught the oystercatcher brilliantly, mid-run, mid-peck.

    Happy hunting.

    PS: there are quite nice birds around here too, (ok then, mostly lbjs (little brown jobs), you didn't have to go all the way to Oz for them.

  7. Its like you got everyone to pose for you. What is your secret? (:^)

  8. Great spot for a walk!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  9. Nice photos and series of birds. I especially like the Pied Oystercatcher and the reflection on the wet sand.

  10. lovely end of a day photographs of the water-birds Stewart

  11. Great shots! Of course for us coastline dwelling Aussies, the Silver Gulls are a common sight.
    I love your shots of the Pacific Gull. I had never seen them until my encounter with the juveniles down on the MP in December and was disappointed at not seeing the adults (such a huge difference in plummage).
    The Oystercatcher is a great looking bird and I love the reflection you captured!

  12. These are the birds I refer to as "the usual suspects" the ones that we see so frequently they become our pets, our friends. I still train my camera on them, I can't resist one more shot for each is a little different.

  13. What a nice variety! Seems they were all posing for you, like saying 'Take MY photo' :D

  14. Fantastic photos, Stewart! You've got a great variety of shorebirds there.

  15. Great capture of the oyster catcher.

    Thank you so much for the ID, the beak looked coot like to me but the profile threw me a little.

  16. What a nice evening stroll. And, such nice companions too :)

  17. I don't get to watch too many shorebirds but love to watch them, and I have enjoyed all these lovely photos. Thank you so much. Had fun looking at your wonderful blog and will enjoy coming back.

  18. That is quite a line up Stewart! Of course these fine catches seem a lot more exotic half a world away. I hope your readers are punching these up a little, they look great larger!
    Cheers to you Sir!

  19. The photo of the oystercatcher is really great -- you caught that guy doing his feeding dance!

  20. It's great to walk on the beach and meet such nice creatures:)

  21. Beautifully captured, Stewart! I wouldn't mind going to a walk with you and seeing these birds!

  22. Great shots Stewart. Gulls are such interesting birds and so varied in their plumages.

  23. These are great shots, Stewart!

  24. Hi Stewart,
    Thank you for your recent visit,comment and `Follow` on my blog!
    I love the selection you have here, especially the variety of gulls!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES
