
Sunday 12 February 2012

Macro Monday - Herb Robert (29-05-1981)

This is a single flower of a plant called (at least by me as a kid) Herb Robert – I also think it is called Stinking Bob.

The original of this picture was taken on the 29th of May 1981, in the back yard of my house in Somerset. That’s a long time ago and a long way away. Clearly the scan is much more modern.

I decided to post this image after some conversations at work last Friday – we had a kind of show and tell for anybody with a creative streak. I showed some of my photographs. People seemed to like them, and many asked me about the camera I used. It made me think that photography has become linked to cameras, not photographers.

So, here is a image taken with a second hand East German camera – a Practica that went out of production in 1975 – and flash guns held away from the camera on strips of Meccano! From the look of the slide mount it was taken on 100ASA Agfachrome. I still rather like it.

What I like about many of the posts that are made on these collective memes is the general lack of technical ‘one-upmanship’. People take pictures and put them up, and other people get to see them. The emphasis is on the picture – not the technology. If you like the picture you can say so – although I still don’t really know what to do when I don’t like the image!

So, here is a blast from the past, given a modern scan.

You can find more macro shots at Lisas Chaos.

You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking on the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the close ups!


  1. Haha! 'Stinky Bob' is a FAR better name!! Bring back 'creative' plant names, I say! They're FAR more easy to remember!!

  2. This from Wikipedia is an excellent summary of it's key feature: "Freshly picked leaves have an odor resembling burning tires when crushed, and if they are rubbed on the body the smell is said to repel mosquitoes. The active ingredients are tannins, bitters, and essential oils." Don't ever remember Stinky Bob being a local name for it - but it's still one of my favourite wild flowers

  3. What a name for such a pretty flower. Great shot! Happy Sunday!

  4. One of the things I love about photography is that years later, when you look at an image you photographed, you often get the same feeling you did back "on that day." You took this picture three decades ago, but I am hoping it felt only three days ago when you posted the image!

  5. stinky bob. :) at least it is pretty!

  6. Herb Robert is one of my favorite little spring flowers--it grows in upstate NY were I grew up and also grows here in Michgian. I've never heard it called Stinky Bob...and you right, the photo taken many years with a non glamerous camera is beautiful.

    I only own a little point and shoot camera. People ask me all the time what kind of camera I use, then act disapointed that I don't use something fancy...

  7. AhHa ... I hear you PRA and Kateri; one week ago I entered the scary world of SLR!! After a lifetime of point & shoot, I'm still wondering if I did the right thing? Your photo is great and now I'm thinking is SLR worth all the fuss? I hope so!!

  8. A blast from the past Stewart! Look at those lovely little water drops!

  9. Very pretty!
    Love the water droplets!
    Happy Macro Monday!
    Lea's Menagerie

  10. you're so right about people thinking it's the camera or the software and not the eye
    I've seen art come from tiny, cheap cameras

    that flower is lovely

  11. I love this; such a beautiful yet simple flower - you have captures this well.

  12. A Beautiful Image. Love the droplets!

    It is true that most people think good images come from a good camera ..... I think it's more the person behind the camera.

  13. Beautiful picture of a Herb robert flower.

    Herding Cats

  14. It is a lovely picture no matter how you got it in its present form onto your blog! Although, I do appreciate my camera and give it credit for making my job of taking great pictures easier.

  15. This is one of those examples where such a simple little bloom is a artistic delight thanks to the photographer. Such a beautiful color. genie

  16. Lovely color and nice details of the droplets.

  17. Such a pretty little flower. It's much prettier then the name by far.
    As to commenting on photo's you don't necessarily like. I feel one can always find something about a photo that they like. It might be colors, composition, subject matter etc...the thing is to try and find at least one thing you do like about the photo and comment on that.

  18. Reading Nigel's comment was very interesting and certainly explains the name!
    You have to wonder how such a pretty flower has such a horrible smell?
    I love looking back on the images I took as a young adult.
    My first decent camera was a 35mm film Canon Sure Shot Autoboy 2 with 38mm lens f/2.8 (my 18th birthday present in 1983) which I had for years until I put my first 35mm film SLR on layby in 1998, a Minolta Dynax 500si with 35-70mm lens. I have 1000's of great images of my kids growing up (I still have 4 films needing processing & one suck in the camera because the battery is dead.
    I love reminiscing with all those old photos - moments captured forever.
