
Tuesday 27 March 2012

World Bird Wednesday - Little Pied Cormorant

I took a mid-day walk around one of my local lakes this Sunday – this may be the closest thing I have to a ‘patch’ in bird watching terms.  I’m often there – often for no more reason than to stop being indoors.There were a few cormorants about, but the only ones in range were Little Pied Cormorants (not that this is a problem!) 

I found this one having a thorough preen and clean within camera range.  I was perched halfway up a fence,  holding the camera with one hand the fence with the other and generally feeling as if I was about to lose grip on both as I  was taking the pictures.  Given the suspicious nature of my behavior at the time I am surprised a police car did not just happen to drive past!

The flexibility of this bird’s neck was remarkable.  It would pick up oil from the preen gland under its tail and then work it into the feathers.  It was putting on rather a good show if the truth be told.

The bird on the log is the same species, but a different individual.
You can find more birds from around the world at World Bird Wednesday.
You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking the Paying Ready Attention  image on the RHS of the screen.
Enjoy the birds.


  1. That 3rd photo is hilarious! Great shots Stewart.

  2. Great series!! I posted answer to you on my site re teleconverters and stuff. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. Now that's a flexible neck!! What great shots, Stewart! Hope your week is going well!


  4. he's a pretty one! i'm going to search the web, now, for photos of you peering over a fence taking photos... :)

  5. What cool shots!

    And, I've done that hanging precariously on a fence move a few times myself.

  6. lovely photos Stewart and don't we just get into some perplexing moments trying to get our shots some times? Lucky we are so driven!

  7. Different than the ones around here which are uniformly dark in color.

  8. Don't know if that was a good feather day or a bad feather day. :)
    You went above the call of duty to get these remarkable shots - well done!
    I guess I just never thought of it before but I noticed the webbed feet but I've never thought of webbed creatures gripping branches. I learned something.

  9. Great photos and well worth your precarious perch on the fence I think!

  10. Great photos! He looks rather funny whe he is turning his neck :)

  11. What a cute cormorant, I enjoyed your photos. Great collection. Have a wonderful day.

  12. Fantastic shots, Stewart! I've never seen that species of cormorant before.

  13. Hi Stewart, these are wonderful images, love each of them!

  14. Lovely shots, Stewart, worth putting your camera and life at risk for :-)

  15. Stewart, these are such wonderful captures! So glad that little bird stuck around for you.

  16. Hi steward! Great photos of this lovely and funny bird!

  17. I think these cormorants are much more handsome than the variety I'm used to seeing here. :)

  18. He's a contortionist!
    They're really pretty birds.

  19. You really pulled in some great shots here Stewart. I hope your readers are clicking to enlarge these pictures where they really come into their own. What great action!
    Cheers Sir!
