
Sunday 29 April 2012

Macro Monday - Heath Goanna

The roadsides of Kangaroo Island are rather heavily littered with road kill – wallabies, possums and kangaroos.  This supply of often less than fresh meat is highly valued by Heath Goannas.  These are one metre plus lizard of the same basic form as the Komodo Dragon. 
This individual was pulling out the intestines of a well dead wallaby.  As you can see form the images this was not a subtle operation.

You can find a full account of my encounter with this roadside horror here on my wordy blog.

You can find more marco shots at Macro Monday.
Enjoy the close ups.


  1. Ah well - at least all that roadkill didn't go to waste! ;-)

  2. Excellent photos Stewart, but ewwww! lol As ladyfi said... at least the roadkill didn't go to waste and the roads are cleaned up.

    Have a great week, cheers.

  3. he's great! glad they do clean-up work, too!

  4. What an interesting creature. Thanks for sharing him.

  5. Nature red in tooth and claw! (And besides omebody has to clean up the roadside!)

  6. Survival of the fittest ~ Awesome shots ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  7. a pretty scary lookin' beast!

  8. Great example of nature's way of not letting what otherwise would rot and go to waste.

    Happy MM

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