
Sunday 22 April 2012

Macro Monday - Kelly Hills Cave

Kelly Hill caves on Kangaroo Island are a remarkable place to visit.  They have formed within solidified sand dune systems rather than from the more typical marine limestone.   The caves are heavily ‘decorated’ – that is they have lots of stalagmites, stalactites and curtain formations.

Marco work in dull light is never that easy, but I like the light effects on the close up of the section of stalagmite.  The red colour comes from minerals dissolved in the water, or possible plant materials.
As with most “show cave” a few features have names – and this is called “The Ballet Slipper”.  Its the end of a stalactites, and it really does look like its name – which is not always the case.
You can find more close up shots at Marco Monday.


  1. it is a perfect ballet slipper. i have walked through caves like these here in the u.s., in pa., they are very cool and colorful!!

  2. The light on the stalagmite reminds me of hot iron.
    I have been in caverns here in West Virginia and there is always some shape with a name but I have to say "The Ballet Slipper" is probably the most well named formation I've ever seen. :)

  3. Interesting shots, I have to lean forward and get a closer look at your pictures. That Ballet Slipper is really cool! Have a great week!

  4. Always a great post ~ excellent photography ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

    ps ~ consider linking up with my blog hop ~ Magical Monday Meme ~ ^_^

  5. cool shots ~ so wonderful to see all the different places of world through everyones blogs and photos

  6. Well done.
    Especially being in a dark cave.
    The amazement of nature.

  7. Wow! LOVE the ballet slipper!! How cool - and good job photographing it. Glad we got to see it :)

  8. Those are great shots! I love the ballet slipper.

  9. Aren't caves like that fascinating? I'm in awe of what nature can come up with. Great shots!

  10. I love the shot with the light on the rock! I've been there and didn't get any photos!
