
Tuesday 24 April 2012

World Bird Wednesday - Pelican (s)

You were never very far from a Pelican on Kangaroo Island – or more precisely, never far from an Australian Pelican - Pelecanus conspicillatus.  Interestingly, the second part of this name does not mean ‘conspicuous’ (which they were!), but ‘spectacled’.  This seems to refer to the bare skin around the eyes of these huge birds.
One evening (in light rain and appalling light) I watched these birds trying to roost on long topped street lamps.  There was much squawking and squabbling, and not a small amount of falling off as well. 
In the end I stopping taking pictures – I could tell they would be not much chop – and sat back and watched. 
Anthropomorphism be dammed, they were funny and looked like slightly drunk teenagers arguing about the best seat at the bar.  

You can find more birds from around the world at the sensibly named World Bird Wednesday.

You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the page.
Enjoy the birds.


  1. Stewart this must have been hilarious to watch. I never realized that pelicans could fly like that, that they would actually try to sit on the streetlight... funny birds.

  2. They do look a wee bit awkward - it must have been funny to watch them. You got some great shots of them.

  3. Beautiful shots!! Also really impressed with your vocabulary in this monosyllabic age. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  4. Oh, what delightful teenagers. The shots are brilliant!

  5. love their pink bills - look like a shade of fingernail polish my sis used to wear.

  6. A very informative post about your pelicans.
    I enjoyed the photos as well!

  7. The first closeup is amazing in detail!
    A beautiful series!

  8. Great photos. Pelicans are always fun to photograph.

  9. Great pictures you show of the pelican.
    Wishing you a good day.
    Hanne Bente /

  10. Great photos!! How nice to see pelicans, they are really fascinating!

  11. Great shots. I saw a lot of them at Cairns!
    Happy World Bird Wednesday to you!

  12. love the first pic in particular and the anthropomorphism quip

  13. Great post. I loved Kangaroo Island when we were there last year.

  14. Like the pictures Stewart and maybe the island should be renamed Pelican Island? A nice family of birds which obviously we dont get over here - unless ina zoo.

  15. Oh, terrific captures! I love the one with the "pulled up landing gear"!

  16. All of us birders anthropomorphize our birds I think! And the pelican is sure one of the easiest ones to do that to -- your description is perfect. The brown ones we have here are even funnier -- they can't even dive after a fish without bellyflopping.
