
Sunday 6 May 2012

Macro Monday - Mushrooms

The overnight flush of mushrooms shows that we really are in autumn.  Their strange and hurried appearance in the grass, on the nature strips and untold dozens of other damp places is a clear marker we are on the path to winter.   

As clear a marker of autumn as the change of trees, but for many people less welcome, because of folk law and all that goes with it.  If you have any interest in my thought on natures recyclers you can find them here, on an old post to my other blog.

These are you classic mushrooms – Fly Agarics.  Red and white spots, lifted straight from fairy tales.  These have become known in our family, with a kind of silly predictability, as the “Impressive Shrooms” and the quality of all other fungi are judged against them – they have become the fungal bench mark.

You can find more macro shots here at Macro Monday.
You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking on the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the page.
Enjoy the close ups.


  1. What a delight to see them. Before As Wednesday 1983 we had whole families of them in our garden on Mt.Lofy, also what the children used to call 'big slimies'.

    Thank you for reminding me to check out our local forestry plantation for the delicious orange mushrooms that grow there, not in profusion like they do in old pine plantations in N.S.W. and Vic., but usually enough as a little snack. If I don't find any, no matter, at least the amonitas should be up . . .it's been cold enough!

  2. These are lovely, would love to see some. It seems strange to read about you seeing signs of autumn/winter as we are still enjoying seeing signs of spring!! x

  3. Oh, yes! I love the color! Haven't seen any like these! Terrific shots as always, Stewart! Have a great week!


  4. They are impressive!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. One of the joys of autumn is finding and photographing mushrooms! These are very attractive.

  6. Wow, great shots of these iconic mushrooms, Stewart.

  7. Wow, these mushrooms are magical, no not magic, magical! There's a difference right? lol Excellent shots Stewart!

  8. Wow Stewart, these are so pretty. I haven't seen a mushroom like this here in MI. Thanks for sharing.


  9. I love your shots. They really do evoke thoughts of fairies!

  10. Those are perfectly classic toadstools! At least around here, it is quite rare to find ones that color. Will be looking forward to following your blog into fall then winter on your side of the world...

  11. Great pictures you show of fungi.
    Wishing you a good day.
    Hanne Bente /

  12. Awesome photos ~ Love the mushrooms ~ colorful ~ great post ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  13. Great shots of these colorful mushrooms. they are quite beautiful.

  14. I love the last image- you caught amazing light on the subject.

  15. Mushrooms are one of my favorite thins to photograph! Yours images are all beautiful! Gorgeous colors and light!

  16. we have them too in our autumn. I hope you only take shots of them and don´t eat them. At least ours have poison in them.
