
Monday 11 June 2012

Our World Tuesday - Lorne

Lorne is a coastal town about 2 ½ hours west of Melbourne – it can be reached by driving along The Great Ocean Road.  This is a wonderful, if rather car sickness educing, road that was build in the 1930’s to provide work during the great depression.  I think its purpose was to provide work for people, rather than “stimulus” for the economy, which leads me to believe that at least somebody in government at that time still understood that people lie at the heart of any country, rather than banks or interest rates.  (Although I have the privilege of being able to say that from a rather more secure position than some, so I may be being over critical). 

Now, before some people log off, suspecting they have stumbled across the blog of some flag waving revolutionary I need to get back to Lorne!    
Lorne lies in the centre of a bay, with a long sandy beach with consistent surf, flanked by two rocky arms.  Its prime holiday real estate, which means it’s crowded as all hell in the summer.  Winter is much better, but you can feel the schizophrenia of place that has a very high and a very low season in the year.  This weekend was a public holiday, so for once the place was somewhere between being overcrowded and being deserted.   
We walked on the beach, explored the rocks, eat unseasonal ice cream, sea fresh fish and chips and in the forest behind the coast we watched platypus swim and dive with a silver wake.
On a different note there is also something that looks like one of the world’s great spelling mistakes – but its not!

You can find more pictures from around the world at Our World Tuesday.
You can find the latest post on other blog by clicking the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the page.
Enjoy the pictures.


  1. Beaches like that we can only dream on here in Finland, beautiful place where I would love to explore with my camera.

  2. I see chips was double underlined in your post - very apt indeed. I worked in Lorne for a winter, not a summer as most would have. The best thing to come out of Lorne is not only the road to Wye River but the chips from the chicken shop - aaah the aroma from a few doors down Mountjoy Pde at work was iresistable most days as was consuming on the wide expanse of deserted sand. I prefer Lorne in the winter - rugging up in coat and scarf against the elements with a bag of hot chips of course!

  3. I can't believe these beaches ever get crowded. Love the grim looking face on the rock.

  4. Lovely shots Stewart.
    Well over 50 years ago we used to drive out there to see the sunrise after a party. Times have changed and staying up all night has lost it's charm but it still is a great place.

  5. pretty place!! i would love to bowl barefoot, it's a great idea!!

  6. Beautiful captures of your world today, Stewart! I love the beach! It does look like winter -- and chilly, but wonderful! Hope you have a great week!


  7. i like the glasslike surface on the waters/beach.

  8. The scenery is gorgeous! Beautiful shots! I've never tried barefoot bowling. :-)

  9. Great series Stewart. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  10. Lovely captures of another beautiful part of Victoria, Stewart. That "rusty" coloured topping to the rock in the opening shot looks fascinating! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Glorious pictures of the beach! It looks so very beautiful.

  12. Such a gorgeous place! Your first and next to last captures are my favorite ones!

  13. What beautiful beaches...thanks for taking me along.Have a great day!


  14. Interesting rock, beautiful beaches!

    Visiting for Our World Tuesday- hope you can stop by:)

  15. I especially like that first photo and enjoyed your tour of Lorne. Vancouver's beaches also have that schizophrenic quality. My favourite walks are at low season, or when the weather is poor and the beach pretty much abandoned. I would have loved to see platypus swimming.

  16. Great shots.
    Looks like a beautiful place.

  17. Another beautiful beach in Australia, keep posting beaches and I'll have to jump on a plane in your summer time... I LOVE the beaches there! I love your shots and barefoot bowling, really? Wow that would hurt to drop a ball on your toes! lol
