
Sunday 22 July 2012

Macro Monday - Close Enough

I’m not entirely sure these count as genuine macro shots – but these are as close up as I was happy to be if the truth be told!
These are Estuarine or Salt Water Crocodiles.  Although these are not huge there are large enough to discourage swimming.  The Daintree River is famous for its crocodiles and we found these at the start and end of the day – just waiting for a chance I suppose.
In the pictures of the adults you can see the large tooth the sticks up on the outside of the mouth.  This is used to separate crocodiles from alligators.  In alligators this tooth fits into a pocket in the upper jaw rather than being visible on the outside.  I think it would be important to tell the difference between a croc and a gator when one is attached to your leg.  And the mystic arts of taxonomy provide you with an easy guide!
The young crocodiles were still hanging around the nest site – but were very well hidden.
I think the buzz you get from seeing a predator of this size in the wild is all the justification you need to protect them.  A world without them would be a much lesser place.
You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday.
You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the screen.
Enjoy the close ups.


  1. Somehow, that seems a lot closer than I would be comfortable with. They can be so very vicious when protecting their eggs or young.

  2. amazing creatures; but well in the distance for me too Stewart

  3. Great shots Stewart.
    That's about as close as I'd get too.
    Lovely creatures though.

  4. Looks like the one in the third photo got his eye on you!

  5. Could you get a wee bit closer? I want a better look at the tooth. (;^))

  6. too funny on the 'macro' shots. :) i did enjoy them.

  7. Great shots, but I surely wouldn't have wanted to get any closer either!! Mean look in those eyes!

  8. These are great shots of the crocodile--what fun to be able to photograph them in the wild. Keep your distance !!!!! Mickie ;)

  9. I don't blame you for keeping your distance! I saw my first alligators in the wild this summer. Behind the camera lens I was a lot braver than I thought I'd be. These are great shots!!

  10. Incredible pictures!!! Nicely done! Cathy

  11. How brave just to get this close! I learned something as I did not know salt water crocodiles existed. I always thought they were fresh swamp water..yikes..but, what does a city girl know?
    Nice photo's..enjoy your week..

  12. Awesome shots, Stewart. I've never seen a crocodile or alligator in the wild. This is great, and I do think it should qualify as a macro!!

  13. Wow, but ewww! lol I don't think that it would really matter what it was if it was attached to your leg now would it? Either way you're going to lose that leg I'd think.

    You're shots are phenomenal!


  14. Macro for sure! Don't get any closer!

    Stewart, thanks for your comments on my blog. I appreciate them and I appreciate your time. (There are plenty of folks here in the US afraid to express their opinion because it might invoke the destructive wrath of the right. We have to be strong.)

  15. I do think this is as close as anyone should get. Great captures. It would be amazing to see them in the wild!

  16. I don't think I'd want to get any more "macro" than that with crocodiles! Great photos, Stewart!

  17. Safe bet to say your photos are macro! ~ Wow! Amazing creatures ~ excellent photography ~~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Close enough, Stewart! These are great shots.

  19. About as macro as you wanna be! Thanks for sharing :)

    If you get a chance, come over to my blog and say hello!
    "Like" Hood Photography on Facebook!

  20. Great pictures you show ..... can understand that you should not be closer ..... GYS!
    Hanne Bente

  21. Brave man :) You got some good shots here!

  22. Great shots Stewart! That's close enough, I think!
