
Sunday 19 August 2012

Macro Monday - Ghost of a Crab.

Are there really many better things to do than explore rock pools?  The mystery of the next pool, or the next patch of sea weed is so appealing that I'm surprised that it does not rate as the worlds number one pass-time!  (Well, I'm not surprised really, but go with me here!)

During one of my last few hours of rock pool searching I found this crab shell.  Given how perfect it was I reasonably sure that this is a cast off shell rather than the remains of a dead crab.  Its a crab ghost!

You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday.

You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking on the Paying Ready Attention image of the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the close ups.

PS: Visits and replies may be a little thin on the ground this week - we have guests!


  1. hopefully a good meal for someone.

  2. Reminds me of the crayfish I have had in my fish tank for over a year. It shed its entire shell intact, and I was sure it had died. It remained in hiding for over two weeks, probably because of its soft shell, and then provided me with a pleasant surprise by popping into view.

  3. Hi Stewart,
    I think exploring is a wonderful hobby! The world is so big and so many exciting things to find. This is a great Ghost Crab photo and thanks for sharing it with us.

  4. Wonderful mottled coloring and always an unexpected pleasure to find the perfect "ghost" in nature.

  5. really quite colourful; how neatly discarded too

  6. The shell is quite beautiful even if there isn't anyone home any more.

  7. Very creative photography of a beautiful oceanic piece of nature ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  8. So interesting! I like the way you described it.

  9. Oh Stewart, I am with you ... tide pools are the most fun. When my parents lived in Florida we would take the kids over to the beaches and search for tide pools and find all kinds of little sea creatures. Thaose were good times, thanks for reminding me. I love your little ghost, it is beautiful ... a lucky find and I like that it's inhabitent is probably somewhere close by waiting to come out like NewMexiKen's crayfish. Enjoy your company and we'll see you when we see you.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  10. What a great find! I'm so glad you shared it with us.
