
Sunday 12 August 2012

Macro Monday - Not quite perfect

One of the things I have been thinking about for a while is the way we let perfection get in the way of having a very good time.  We search for the perfect sunset, the perfect shot of the sea, the perfect day or evening.  And it can be rather dispiriting to discover that perfection does not come along all that often.  But by concentrating on it we miss the extraordinary things that are around us - but somehow fail to reach perfection.

We find foot marks on an empty beach, a footpath through a sun dappled woodland, the distant silhouette of a person on an otherwise empty mountain.   I was thinking about these things as I was walking in the rain (!) on a beach in Queensland, when this butterfly flew out of the trees and land on the beach.

I like the way nature can sometimes take you thoughts and turn them into a single event that seems to make sense.

So here is a Bordered Rustic which is very far from perfect, but is wonderfully attractive none the less.  It seemed to be able to fly strongly, although it did land on the beach a few times took shake water from what was left of its wings, and then it would be away again.  On a day where the cloud seemed to strip the colour from the world this was a perfect reminder of the beauty you can find if you just pay attention to the things around you.

You can find more marco shots at Macro Monday.

You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking on the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the close ups.


  1. I thought at first this was another picture taken of the toilet wall and what you can find there but no this is a wonderful feat of nature with those spectacular colourful markings. Well spotted.

  2. Good Morning,

    Thank you for reminding me about all the beauty, perfect or not, that surrounds me every day.

  3. AWWW, poor thing! It is a beauty. Great capture, Stewart!

  4. A true survivor from one too many encounters with a bird. That is perfection.

  5. It is depressing seeing something like that, but all things pass, nothing is spared!

  6. Gorgeous butterfly! You're right. Sometimes we get too caught up in finding the "perfect" whatever. I've heard photographers say they're goal in life is getting the "next great shot". Seems to me we get caught up in that and miss out on having fun.

  7. Hello Stewart, Somethings in life are imperfectly perfect. I disagree that this butterfly is depressing.
    I see him as an encouragement, you said that he is still a strong flier. I see him as a bravo soul that will not buckle under when life throws him a curve ball. Bravo For Him!!!
    Thank you for visiting my blog. It's always good to see you.
    Have a great day, Connie :)

  8. Gosh, that little fellow has been in the wars but he's so gorgeous, I love the colours. Well said!

  9. Nice that you helped us find the beauty in the imperfect.

  10. Lovely words and quite a lovely example of maybe not-so-perfect. (And, by the way, I wouldn't have any pictures to show if I were a perfectionist.)

  11. I like your way you say things ...... post for thought.
    Why must everything be perfect?
    Hanne Bente

  12. It's still a beautiful butterfly. Very few things around us are perfect, but there is a lot of beauty to be found in the most surprising places.

  13. your butterfly may be imperfect, but to me it is pure joy!!! I love it!

  14. Well done! Wonderful words for reflection! Thank you!! Cathy

  15. Well said, Stewart!
    Beautiful shot of this battered, but still going, butterfly.

  16. Wonderful post and fantastic shot of the butterfly who is doing well just the way it is ~ I am learning each day to 'see the 'sacred in the ordinary' ~ nature is a gift ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Since I"ve been trying to get the "perfect" hummingbird shot all day, I can relate to your message. I wonder, if this butterfly had been perfect, would he have sat still enough to pose for you? Sometimes in photography, especially wildlife photography, you take what you can get. I think you did great!

  18. Wow, great post. It's a good reminder for us all that we can be imperfect and still be beautiful and still function well. Great photo. :)

  19. You are so right! It's all around us, not always perfect, but still beautiful...
