
Sunday 2 September 2012

Macro Monday - Beach Stones

While I was down at Waratah Bay last week I was surprised by how much variation there was in the composition of the sand and stones that made up the beach.  Within a few strides the beach would go from pure sand to stones, back to sand and then be made of stones of a different size.

I suppose that its all down to the force of the tides and the shape of the waves.   What looked like a bare stretch of beach turned out to have some good detail hidden in it!

You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday.

You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking on the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the close ups.


  1. Nice shots, Stewart! Have a great weekend!

  2. Great macro shots, Stewart! Hope your weekend is going well! Enjoy!

  3. Very nice photos. Exploring a shoreline is always interesting. You never know what you'll find there.

  4. You are right. There is such a wide range of colours when you really stop and look. Great photos.

  5. Beach stones are just beautiful...great patterns and colors in your pictures.

  6. Fantastic variety! I could sift through that stuff for hours.

  7. I love beach stones. We were lucky to walk on a stone beach in Acadia. Signs saying DO NOT take any. Only wish I could have. But, I would never break the rules. What beautiful pictures. Were you allowed to take any?

  8. The blue tones in these shot are beautiful. Thanks for sharing the beach.

  9. I love searching the beach for shells and stones - relaxing moments for me.
    Nice finds Stewart!

  10. I noticed that when we were on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in Maine earlier this month--what the beaches were made up of changed frequently. Very relaxing to wander the beach.

  11. Nice pictures you show.
    Always interesting to see what the water washed up on shore.
    Wish you a good new week :)
    Hanne Bente

  12. Indeed the beach has many secret wonders beyond shells! Terrific macros of these beautiful stones!

  13. Beautiful shots! I love the smooth beach stones and all the other treasures you can find.

  14. Smooth and lovely, and I also like the other beach items you included in the photos.

  15. Beach and ocean are always fascinating ~ lovely macro shots ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  16. I love rocks - all sizes.

  17. dont u just love the beach? so many interesting stuff to find. lovely photos! thanks for sharing at MM
    here is mine..

  18. The beach is always such a great place to make interesting discoveries!

  19. I love making discoveries on the beach... especially in the rock pools.
