
Saturday 8 September 2012

Macro Monday - Fence

I found this set of leaves on the way home from work a while ago.  I like the clash of the colours and the intensity of the red in the leaves.

I was only when I looked at the image on the computer that I noticed that some of the leaves had been painted green.  The whole idea of the picture was a combination of the natural and the man-made so I think this adds to this aspect of the picture.

This is the start of a Very (note capital "V") busy week, so replies may be a little thin on the ground.

You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday.

Enjoy the close ups.


  1. The contrast is beautiful, I love the red leaves. Great capture, Stewart.

  2. Nice color contrast.

    Do try to work some down time into that busy week. We all need some recoup moments.

  3. my kind of painting, for sure - slopped all around. :)

  4. That's gorgeous. Begging to be photographed for sure.

  5. What a great shot. The painter tried very hard to miss those outstandingly beautiful leaves.

  6. What beautifully coloured leaves.

  7. it looks like the result of an art lesson.... very very nice Stewart

  8. Absolutely amazing! Those colors are just perfect - love it.

  9. Pretty red vine.

  10. I was going to say "perfect fall shot!", but I do believe Spring is right around the corner in your part of the world. Very pretty none the less--and I do think the bit of green adds nicely to the photo.
