
Sunday 16 September 2012

Macro Monday - Surface Tension

Back from my busy week - now all I have to do is recover from the flight, last nights wedding and empty my inbox!

This is a shot from my trip to the Daintree a couple of months ago.  I found this water strider on  a still pool by the side of the path.  There were about six or seven of theses insects wandering about on the surface.  I think this species is called Limnometra cursitans - but I could be well off the track there.

You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday.

You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking in the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the close ups!


  1. Great shot of the strider! I haven't seen one in a long time.

  2. Great photo. In Norway we call them "Vannløper" (Running-on-water)
    Have a great day!

  3. I have seen these insects while walking along the streams here. Cool capture, Stewart! Have a great day!

  4. i never see these guys on our pond.

  5. I've never seen these guys either, but what a great shot, Stewart!! Hope your week goes well!

  6. good shot! often they move very fast and difficult to capture.

  7. What an amazing looking creature! Good shot!

  8. Such an interesting insect! You're always showing me something I've never seen before. Wonderful capture.

  9. I had difficulty getting their photos, as they are mostly always moving their bodies even if on just the same spot. Wriggling might be the term!

  10. Wonderful picture! One of the lots of miracles nature provides for us ...

  11. Wow!!! Such an interesting photo. I would never think of stopping to watch a water spider and take time to photograph it,.....this post is like it's from national geographic!!! Well done.

  12. I haven't seen a Water Strider for years. Trouble is a lot of the places you used to see them have been built over for housing.

    Herding Cats

  13. Pretty terrific shot!

  14. I've never seen one of these. This is great. I love seeing new things like this.

  15. I always think those water bugs are strange little creatures. Glad you're back safely from your trip!

  16. It seems like these guys are everywhere. Nice photo Stewart!

  17. I've always thought these bugs were fun to look at and watch. Thanks for sharing your photo.

  18. Great photo!
    I've tried to photograph these, but it seems like every time, just as I get the camera focused, off they go in a different direction!
    Have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  19. Lovely shot! They are fun to watch.

  20. Excellent shot of this interesting looking critter. You sound like you've been a busy man Stewart, I hope not too busy to make time out everyday for yourself!
