
Thursday 11 October 2012

SkyWatch Friday - Spring on a cold day

I have the great pleasure of announcing that today was the coldest October day in Melbourne since 1972!  So, it seems more than appropriate that I should be posting about spring!

This is another picture in a series I took of oak leaves while I was in the Grampians - (you can see the first here).  I'm trying to do something just a wee bit different to what I normally do here, so bear with me!

I used two different colour balances in these images - I'm not sure which one I prefer.

Comments appreciated!

You can find more skies at SkyWatch Friday.

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. What beautiful colours - the leaves are almost luminous. I prefer the first one as it looks more natural.

  2. I prefer the FIRST one, not the second! ;-)

  3. I'm going to be in a minority then. I prefer the second as I have a thing about deep blues - and the colour of autumn oak leave for that matter.

  4. I'll even it out by saying the second one also. The colours are richer.

  5. And I'm going to tip the scales in favor of the second one. The bright blue contrasts very well against the yellow leaves. Great shots! It's nice to shake things up and do something different sometimes. :)

  6. I love the bright, rich blue -- maybe because I know I won't be seeing much of it for the next several months!! Our long, sunny, bright fall has given way to gray, gray, gray!! Great captures, Stewart, as always! Have wonderful weekend!!

  7. Interesting the leaves are more alive in the first one and the sky in the second one. I think I prefer the first.

  8. I like the second because I need all the bright blue sky I can get this time of year (so that's personal; wouldn't presume to comment on which was the better photographically!).....

    Hope your Spring warms up soon.

  9. I like the second one best! Nothing beats a blue sky.

  10. Sure looks like spring!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  11. Blue is my favorite color and the yellow leaves look pretty against the gorgeous blue sky. The second shot is my favorite. Happy Skywatching, Stewart!

  12. I love them both--the silver and gold is really pretty, but so is the blue and gold.

  13. I wonder if you are doing a tally :) I can't pinpoint exactly why I like the first better, even though blue is my favourite colour. I think Gillian's comments about the leaves being more alive in that one may have hit closest to my thoughts.

  14. They are both very nicely done. I tend to like the brighter sky in the second one.

  15. The top one has a very English sky but the bottom one has the bright blue of Aus. What do you mean the coldest day since 1972? I'll be there in a few days so I'm hoping it's going to warm up a little by then!

  16. Beautiful yellow! I personally prefer the second photo. I like the brighter blue sky.

  17. So beautiful and perfectly captured!

    Sunrise Views
    Your comment is greatly appreciated! Hope you will leave me one. Thanks!

  18. Nice work on the balance of color...

  19. Lovely photos, great post for Sky Watch!

  20. They both look good, but for what it's worth I prefer the second image. Hope you enjoyed your record cold October day.

  21. I prefere the first one. It lets the yellow color pop out much better.

  22. I love them both! simply beautiful shots! :-)
