
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Wild Bird Wednesday 16 - Kookaburra

I don't live in one of the more wildlife rich areas of Australia - my area is suburban through and through . So when I find a new patch of natural (or at least not concreted) bushland I get little bit more excited that somebody of my age ought to!

Over the last few weeks I have been taking some walks along a ribbon of bushland that runs along one of our local creeks.  It backs onto peoples gardens, is flanked by cricket and football ovals and has more than it's fair share of invasive weeds.  But it's not a car park, a shopping centre or a housing estate.

So, I was pleased to find this icon of Australianness the Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae). In fact I found three!

I really like these birds.  If you dont already know they are the worlds largest kingfisher, and while this one was hunting by a river they feed on lizards and other animals small enough to feet into their beak.

Now, it's your turn to join in with Wild Bird Wednesday.

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Dont forget to link add a link to this page to your post, and possibly more important, don't forget to visit the other WBWers.


  1. I love your kookaburra. It's quite an interesting looking bird.

  2. Fascinating bird, Stewart, and a very nice photo too!
    Of course I've never seen one. Interesting info also.

  3. Love the quintessential Australian bird whose mysterious call finds itself into the soundtrack of "B" western movies in the USA!

  4. Neat photo and I had no idea that they were kingfishers!

  5. A very majestic looking bird! I love the crest and the tailfeathers! Beautiful pattern!

  6. awesome! I love kingfishers (any kind!) and can never get photos of them. This kookaburra really let you get a beautiful shot!

  7. Beautiful bird, Stewart!! I had no idea they were kingfishers either!

  8. wonderful shot of a beautiful bird! :)

  9. Hi Stewart, i love your Kookaburra. I have seen them in the zoo's but that is nothing like seeing them in person in the wild. Great shot, thanks for sharing.

  10. I have a Kingfisher that lives on our lake ... you would think I would have a million pictures of him, but NO. He moves so fast and half the time I don't see him, I just hear him making his funny noises. But, I love the Kingfishers ... including your Kookaburra. Love the picture, Stewart, and especially since you found it close to home. That could mean more pictures of him in the future, right?

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  11. Great looking bird - look like a mix of all kinds of birds ! Nice shot !

  12. A really lovely shot Stewart!
    I remember singing singing at 4-H camp - "Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, merry merry king of the bush is he, laugh Kookaburra laugh..."
    We usually sang it in a round.

  13. I know the feeling! Those of us living in the city treasure those bits of "wild" we happen upon. I have heard the term Kookaburra, but never knew it was a bird! And quite a handsome (or lovely) bird it is! Interesting beak shape.

  14. Beautiful shot, Stewart!! I love Kookaburras.
    We too, have to drive out to parklands & reserves to capture birds. We have been extremely lucky to have Rainbow Lorikeets, Pale-headed Rosellas, Noisy Friarbirds, Blue-faced Honeyeaters, Brown Honeyeaters, Superb Fairy Wrens visiting the only tree (a large Grevillea) in our small townhouse backyard. They seem to have gone very quiet over the last couple of weeks though...

  15. That's a stunning shot of a beautiful bird Stewart.

  16. A really nice bird. From Findlay

  17. I think it's always great to find a kookaburra - and if they are close enough to laugh you awake in the morning it's even better!

  18. love the name....Kookaburra --- it's a terrific looking species. And your lucky day; three of them!

  19. What an awesome find! I was thinking while looking at the picture that it's so similar to a kingfisher! Incredibly beautiful bird and I would imagine very difficult to capture. The kingfishers are very hard to get.

  20. lovely shot of the Kookaburra, looks like a Kingfisher with Jay,s feathers on.Thanks for hosting W.B.W. too.


  21. I love that kookaburra! And wish I could see one sometime. Didn't realize it was a member of the Kingfisher family...we do have those.

  22. at first glance i thought it was a kingfisher. i just tried to take a picture of a kingfisher down by the pond and it flew off. :( i cant see the word kookaburra without breaking into song. beautiful creature. thanks for sharing.

  23. We were lucky enough to see one of these when camping in Oz (pre children)

  24. Great photo of a real beauty!! Like the name kookaburra too :)

  25. A fantastic bird to see Stewart.. and one that has Oz written all over it.

  26. The kingfisher is one regal fellow.

  27. Well, I'm jealous of anyone who captures a decent image of any Kingfisher! I just chased several Belted Kingfishers around this morning and not one picture.
    Enjoying your site!

    -Wally (Florida, USA)

  28. Yeah, I learned something, did not realize they were in the Kingfisher fam, and I so adore their look. We have Kookaburra at our zoo, but they are difficult to photograph because of the sad wire cage;'( Love your image and free in the bush~

  29. I didn't realize they were kingfishers! What an awesome bird! And you got a GREAT shot!

  30. I didn't realize they were kingfishers! What an awesome bird! And you got a GREAT shot!

  31. Definitely one of my favorite Australian birds. Yours is very nicely captured...

  32. Great picture and thanks I didn't know that it is from the kingfisher family.

  33. What a great shot, Stewart! I love it.

  34. Beautiful picture.

  35. I love the little Kookaburra bird. Great shot!

  36. Thank you, Stewart, for the joke. And thank for your visits!

  37. Beautiful photo of the Kookaburra.

  38. That is a cracking shot Andrew. Yes, most birds don't need a lot, other than a few trees, a bit of water and plenty of food and they will find a home.

  39. I never associated the name kokaburra with a kingfisher. Strange! It is a very nice bird. Thanks for sharing.
