
Sunday 25 November 2012

Macro Monday - A frog on the road.

This is a rather old shot of a frog - species Unknownus frogus (!).

It was jumping across the road as we went back to our accommodation in the Daintree Rainforest.  I'd seen a few shapes jumping across the road and I assumed they were frogs, but it was only when one landed in the middle of the road that I was able stop and have a look at it.

So, here it is - a frog!

You  can find more macro shots at Macro Monday.

You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking on the "Paying Ready Attention" image on the RHS of the screen.

Enjoy the close ups.


  1. What lovely markings!

  2. A real sweetheart. Is it 'Stony Creek Frog': Litoria lesueri? In case you are tempted to think me clever, check this website

  3. it IS indeed; great pickup Stewart. That must've been such an interesting visit up there

  4. Este tipo de animal nós chamamos rã.
    Vivem nos pântanos e cantam muito.

    Os sapos são maiores e todos castanhos. Vivem escondidos nas sombras verdes ou sob algumas folhas secas. Não vivem nos pântanos.

    Chamamos aos sapos jardineiros porque eles comem as pragas infestantes das nossas hortas e jardins

  5. Cute frog, it is a pretty color.

  6. A nicely colored little hopper!

  7. Very cute little frog, we've got them living in our compost heap and have to be careful not to skewer one when turning it over!

  8. Such an interesting shape--triangular looking to me. Love the color as well.

  9. I haven't seen a yellow frog! The road is so clean too. I smiled at Arija's mention of 'Stony Creek Frog', remembering that all small creeks and bridges in Australia are named. I am awed at the richness of ideas of those who named them!

  10. What a cute frog! He looks out of place though on the road. His color is very unique.

  11. wow! ~ Wonderful macro ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^ on Blogger ^_^

    don't you love those 'gift' shots???

  12. What a cute little creature!

  13. How lucky for that frog that you had to stop and take a picture!

  14. Gorgeous macro! Thanks for sharing!
