
Sunday 18 November 2012

Macro Monday - Hibiscus.

A quick post today - we had almost 600 people come and view our garden over the weekend as part of a garden design festival and fund raiser.  Its strange to have so many people wandering about in your garden, taking pictures and generally having a good look about!

I need a sit down and a glass of wine!

This hibiscus was a flower on the bush under which I first saw the Hoopoe (see last post!)

I dont post too many flowers, but I rather like this!

Enjoy the other close ups!

(PS: if you follow my other blog, a new post will pop up within the next day!)  SM


  1. It would be such a joyful moment to see people watching and admiring your garden! The Hibiscus shot is beautiful.
    Have a nice day Stewart :)

  2. Gosto muito desta planta e a flor enche-me o olhos de graciosidade.

  3. In the twilight rain
    these brilliant-hued hibiscus . . .
    A lovely sunset


  4. Come on Stewart, don't tease us with just one photo of a single flower, show us more of your garden.

  5. Stewart, you must have a beautiful garden if everyone wants to come and see it. Love the hibiscus! And yes, I would like to see more of your garden to since I missed the garden tour. Happy Sunday!

  6. Stewart, this hibiscus is stunning. Your gardens must be beautiful if so many people want to see them.
    You should be extremely prod.

  7. that's neat to be on a garden tour! must have a beautiful place to show.

  8. Beautiful photo! That's a lot of people to have in your garden, but it sounds like it was a success!

  9. Beautiful hibiscus and such a gorgeous color!! How great to be on the garden tour!! I'd love to see more photos of your garden!!

  10. Gosh 600! wow, you must have a lovely garden to attract that many visitors.

  11. Nice of you to share (with the tour participants and with us)! We've been on a few of those tours and I always wondered how it felt to the hosts after it was all over! I figured about like what you said!

  12. really wonderful macro work! Hope you have a great week ahead!

  13. A beautiful hibiscus!! Ours are still blooming like crazy. Love them.

  14. Wow, that's a crowd! The hibiscus is very pretty.

  15. Sounds like it was a successful event. The hibiscus is gorgeous.

  16. Calling by from Macro Monday, beautiful composition. My first visit here but as another expat I am curious, going to have a browse. :)

  17. I have the same plant Stewart!Nice shot!

  18. Lovely photo of this hibiscus! Greatt colour!
    Have a nice evening!

  19. Beautiful flower!
