
Tuesday 20 November 2012

Wild Bird Wednesday 19 - Green Bee-eater

I was pleased to find another species of bee-eater during my trip to Oman.  They would feed on the overhead wires by the side of the road which made it difficult (ie impossible!) to get any images.  I also watched them in the near darkness of the setting sun.  Its at times like that that you realised how much like your binoculars can gather compared to the lens of your camera.

Eventually I found some out in the open, a reasonable distance from the ground and not too flighty! So this is a Green Bee-eater (Merops orientalis).  This is a small bee-eater, only about 24 cm long.  If you want to see a different species of bee-eater  - the Rainbow Bee-eater click here.

This image is cropped a bit more then normal as I could not get very close to the bird - but I really like the wires in the image as well.  Something about captivity and freedom maybe?

Now it your turn to get involved in World Bird Wednesday.

Click on the link below and follow the instructions - dont forget to link to you bird post rather tha just your blog and visit as many other bird sites as possible!  Have fun!


  1. Whenever I see bee eaters species I am always amazed at their colours. Unfortunately we may only get to see one species in the UK (as you know) so have to travel to see others, but it's always a special day to watch such wonderful birds. I like your bee eater shot - looks like the Little Green Bee Eater I saw in Malaysia.

    Thanks for hosting the gallery Stewart - and its only Tuesday morning here.

  2. Such a LOVELY bird ...... i've never seen one other than in pictures. Their colors are striking!

  3. What a stunning little bird Stewart...

  4. wonderful bird, nicely portrayed

  5. I love seeing all the different variety of birds. Bee eaters are very colourful.

  6. Awesome capture, Stewart! What a little beauty this Green Bee-eater is.
    I love the vivid colors of the Rainbow Bee-eater also.
    My thanks for sharing and hosting.

  7. I love seeing pictures of these exotic beauties! Glad you had your camera.

  8. What a pretty little bird! I love the color combo and the composition with the wire is very nice Stewart!

  9. adorable and brightly-colored little bird.

  10. What a beautifully marked bird. Very nice Stewart.

  11. That's a gorgeous bird! All of the Bee-eaters I've seen in photos are beautifully colored. I like the wire fence, too.

  12. Wow, what colorful birds ... I am not good at translating measurements into reality so I am guessing (because that's the way they look to me) that they are about the size of a humming bird ... am I close? They are beautiful and I am impressed that you picked up on the artistry of the wires ... very creative of you:) Love the picture, Stewart. I don't suppose you celebrate Thanksgiving, but have a wonderful, warm family week anyway ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  13. I have never seen a Bee Eater because I have never been abroad, however it doesn't change the fact that they are beutiful birds.

  14. Wonderful bird Stewart!Awesome capture!Thanks for your nice comment!

  15. Bee-eaters are always very beautiful and you were very lucky to see another kind on your recent trip.

  16. oh a green bee-eater; lovely Stewart! I'm sure when driving I've spotted during the past week a couple of the rainbow bee-eaters about on the power lines. Not in a spot I could manage a photo though. Glad you did!

  17. Lovely bee-eater! I like all the wires in the shot too.

  18. Such a sweet little bird! We don't have them here in Sweden.
    Greetings Pia

  19. This is a wonderful shot of the bee eater. The wires really add a nice graphical element to the shot. You are so lucky to see such colorful birds out in the wild.

  20. Bee-eaters are such interesting and beautiful birds!

  21. The bee-eaters are beautiful birds. Great sighting and photo, Stewart.

  22. Now what a coincidence is this!!! I just posted my "mystery lifer" which I mentioned last week in my comment on your blog. Your bee-eater is strikingly similar to my bird!!
    Lovely capture Stewart!!

  23. Nice shot of a beautiful little bird, Stewart! I like the wire fence in the photo too.

  24. Nice capture. Thanks for sharing.

  25. I really like the composition in this capture. It's nice to see birds in unusual surroundings. Well done.

  26. That bee-eater has beautiful colouring, great capture.

  27. Hoopoes and Bee-eaters. Yep, I'm really jealous now! Thank you so much for sharing your birds. Really wonderful images and I enjoy your commentary very much. --Wally

  28. Truly beautiful bird. Indeed, hoopoes and green bee-eaters at once.

  29. Very nice sighting and image. One surely must just take every opportunity given to try and gain a nice capture... Many an image I take, has a nice wire, utility pole, or something that is man made, along with the wild. This species certainly is lovely in feather colouration. Happy day to you~

  30. So very beautiful and well spotted. Given the conditions in Oman, it is easier to photograph goats than birds.

  31. We have Bee-Eaters here in Italy but they must be the European variety as they have different colouring to this one.

  32. Great shot of the Bee-eater Stewart! They are such cool birds, I hope someday to see one in person. They are all so colorful. I also really like the composition of the shot with the wires.

  33. What a colorful little bird! Glad you were able to share this one with us.
