
Sunday 30 December 2012

Macro Monday - Kitchen Chemistry

H was rather pleased to get a Chemistry set for Christmas and today was his first adventure in Chemistry!

I do wish that the manufactures had let me read the instructions first, and maybe given them a few hints on how to write - but there you go.  (They dont even have the excuse of the materials being a translation).

The first set of "experiments" end off with the cleaning of a penny with a mixture of vinegar and salt.  Australia gave up "brown money" years ago, but lucky enough I had some copper coins from the UK stashed away in my "random currency" bottle!

So here is a before and after shot of  Two New Pence.

And here is a question for anybody in the UK:  How many of your coins still have "New Pence" rather than just "Pence" on them?  They have not been New since 1971 (I think?)

Cheers and Happy New Year.

You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday.



  1. I know that experiment! We have to dig out the old coins for it, too.

    It would be fun to spend a day or two identifying the assumptions that are made every day--that we have these coins, that we know these terms, that instructions are readable, etc.

  2. Interesting Stewart.

    I just had to delve into my pocket and check my change. lol

    I found one 2p piece with 'new' on it, dated 1971; the rest were just 'pence', with various designs on. Apparently they change them occasionally, but I don't have a TV or buy newspapers, so I never know when these things happen. I just get these 'new' coins and wonder if they are fake. lol

    Have a great new year.

  3. The latest one I could find that still has New Pence on it, is a 1p dated 1981. All other coins now state the words: One Pence or Two Pence or whatever the denomination is. All coins state their value and not just the word 'Pence'. I have no idea when they began to mint coins that no longer had the word 'new' on them but there are plenty still in existence. Great game though Stewart. I must now go and scrub my hands clean as there is nothing dirtier than coinage!

  4. your title made me worry. i have visions of stewart mixing household cleaners in the kitchen sink...

  5. Yep, done that one, too, --- just not lately! Hope you and your family have a great New Year, Stewart!



  7. Looks like a fun experiment! Just glad there were no problems with the kitchen. Stewart, I wish you and your family a very Happy New Years!

  8. looks to be a successful experiment. Yes translation leaves a lot to be desired in so many so-called 'instructional brochures'.

  9. Oh you have so much fun ahead of you! I remember Chemistry sets and boys. Happy New Year -- glad you had a great Christmas.

  10. A chemistry set, you are so brave! I know what you mean about instructions, some leave a lot of room for improvement.

  11. How neat! I didn't know you could clean with vinegar and salt. Be careful with your kitchen experiments. You know what happened to the guys on The Big Bang Theory--one of the main characters almost blew up their apt. building! :)

  12. terrific post - love your macro shot!

  13. I just love kitchen chemistry! Of course I'm usually making soap or wine. :-) It looks like he'll have a lot of good educational fun with that gift.

  14. Great capture!! Love it very interesting. Thanks for sharing

    Have a prosperous New Year!

    Mapeh Homepage

  15. I can't wait for my oldest to get one of these type of chemistry sets to have a play. I've also had a rummage in my purse and only found 1 coin with 'new pence'on it - a penny dated 1980. Happy New Year from a very wet and windy England!

  16. I remember doing the same experiment with my sons! Happy New Year!

  17. my daughter's chem class turned copper pennies gold (golden anyway)... the week before vacation:-)

    May this New Year be one of realized dreams… even those we did not realize we were dreaming!

  18. That is interesting. I didn't know you can clean copper with salt and vinger. Our pennies are still brown, but are no longer made of copper. I'd have to go look at a bunch of pennies for dates, but I think it has been at least 20 years since they stopped making them out of copper.
