
Wednesday 19 December 2012

Wild Bird Wednesday 23 - Dusky Moorhen

Just to show that my life is not just one long trip to exotic locations, full of strange and wonderful birds I have never seen before, I give you this weeks Wild Bird - the Dusky Moorhen!

I managed to find the time to visit my local lake this Sunday - the rather fetchingly named Surrey Dive.  The last time I visited a few weeks ago I sat between two reed beds and and a great hour or so with birds all over the place.  This time I discovered that the place has become a worksite!  More than half of the lake has been fenced off and much of the vegetation on the far side removed - this is all temporary so I am told - but (as they say in Yorkshire) "I was not best pleased".

I sat with the picnickers and model boat enthusiasts and saw some very nice Dusky Moorhens - well they were as nice as Moorhen can get.  This species is Gallinula tenebrosa. Its about 40cm long and looks pretty much like all the other moorhens I have ever seen.  There were a few birds with chicks, and these little balls of grey fluff are rather amusing - although I think that the splodge of red on their heads is faintly silly!

For all my sarcasm about them, they are busy little birds that are rather fun to watch.  And they were much better to watch than the model boats!

Now it's your turn.  Click the link below to join in WBW.  Visit as many WBWers as you can and don't forget to invite any bloggers you know who would enjoy the meme.


  1. Interesting birds!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. I like moorhens! That last shot is adorable with the baby :) Good ones all around!

  3. They are so interesting to observe. I got some captures of this variety in Brul, Germany.

  4. I like those chicks and like you I think the red on their heads are pretty silly too.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas. :)

  5. You got some lovely shots Stewart!That last shot is very sweet.
    Sounds like a lot of activity going on at the lake.

  6. Very nice takes of all.

    Merry Christmas
    God bless!

  7. Beautiful pics. I haven't got a chance to shoot a moorhen!

  8. Too bad about your park being taken apart but at least they left enough habitat for the moorhens to live.

  9. My mother had Moorhens on her little pond in Florida years ago. They were always her favorites ... kind of the love of an underdog. The are homely and awkward, but oh so cute ... Loved your pictures. Brought back many fun memories.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  10. Beautiful! Very similar to ours.

  11. Yorkshire born and bred, your post really did make me smile!

  12. I like your photos - and this bird, which I have never seen! :)

    Wish you a Merry Christmas and thanks for hosting! /Pia

  13. A bird that reminds you of Blighty Stewart? Lovely to see.

  14. Looking remarkably similar to our UK Moorhens Stewart. Nice photos.

  15. Great shots! I hope the alterations at the lake don't frighten the birds away :(

  16. Great shots of this interesting duck! I took shots of a anhinga today, but Bertha (5DMII) refuses to focus properly, so I'll miss another week of WBW. :(

  17. Great shots. I love the Moorhens.

  18. Amazing captures! I am seeing them for the first time! They do look elegant! Have a nice day Stewart :)

  19. Any day outside looking at birds is better than one inside working!

    Your Dusky Moorhen is very similar to our Common Gallinule (Gallinula chloropus). The folks in charge of Naming All Birds changed its common name from Gallinule to "Common Moorhen" several years ago and then recently decided to go back to Gallinule. Poor bird - causing so much fuss!

  20. I'm glad I clicked on them to see larger. I especially like the last image. Very sweet!

  21. Stewart, great shots of your Moorhen. Except for the work going on I am glad you were able to get out and watch the birds. Have a great day!

  22. I love Dusky Moorhen babies! they are so funny with their orange heads! amazing how fast they grow and paddling around so quick.

  23. Oh I think they are lovely. Especially love the shot of parent and little one .... what a sweet shot!

  24. Sometimes common critters is all we got and we should make good use of that opportunity as you did! I personally think the Moorhen is a rather fetching bird..

    Nice post!

  25. A species so much like our own UK version Stewart. Like you say, not very exciting but they are always entertaing, especially when they fight to amongst themselves. Thanks for hosting the gallery and joining all the birders in this way - this morning I've been all over the world for nowt and I'm not even a Yorkshireman

  26. This is similiar to the Common Moorhen here. Love this day. I get to read a lot about birds:)

  27. Lovely shots, Stewart!

  28. Very beautiful shots Stewart!Lovely birds!

  29. They are a lovely bird,Stewart!As always,thanks for hosting!phyllis

  30. Great pictures. Interesting.

  31. They be common but always fun to watch as they ramble among the reeds.

    Thanks foe hosting WBW, Stewart.

    Have a wonderful day :)


  32. The Moorhen is a very interesting looking bird, and any time one watches water birds, has to be a fun time too~

  33. You have some amazing bird followers! The young are interesting to watch. I keep forgetting you have spring/summer, the perfect time to find those young fowl.

  34. Don't forget they are not common to everyone. I don't think I've ever seen one. Thanks for posting.
