
Monday 21 January 2013

Our World Tuesday - The View from the Hill

This is a famous view.  Its from the very top of Mount Amos, looking down into Wineglass Bay at Freycinet on the east coast of Tasmania.

The beach - but the not the view - has been listed as being in the Top Ten beaches in the world.  I think the view is better from the hill than on the beach itself.

It was a decent climb to the top of Mount Amos - with a few steepish rocky sections.  The National Park guide uses words like "steep", "strenuous", "difficult" and "only for experienced walkers".  I have to say I enjoyed the looks on peoples faces has my kids - one of whom is still 7 - mountain goated their way up the hill.  The day before they had been introduced to the joy that is Barley Sugar!  I think that kept them moving!

Should you be so inclined I think you should climb this hill if you ever get the chance!

You can find more pictures from around the world here at Our World Tuesday

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. A friend once lived in Tasmania but in a plantation. Your view is certainly spectacular, just like your shot! That curved white beach maybe as lovely as gold coast!

  2. What an awesome view from the top. Your shot is suburb, Stewart.

    Even tho your 7 year made I'm not to sure I could. Thanks for letting me look over your shoulder with any effort on my part.

  3. Oh my gosh, spectacular images! Such beauty in the world. What a gift to be able to photograph this.

  4. Awesome is the word and a spectacular view it is! That is truly breathtaking, Stewart, and your captures are superb indeed! Hope your week is off to a great start!

  5. Oh yeah, I'd climb the hill right off. What a reward for doing so. Thanks for showing that Stewart.

  6. kids have more energy than they know what to do with. :) really beautiful.

  7. Yes - that IS spectacular!

  8. Wow, the view is lovely. Well worth the climb up the mountain. My hubby would love it there. I will have to show him your post. The beach look beautiful too. Stewart, Thanks for sharing your world today. Have a great week ahead.

  9. Beautiful view with that vivid blue. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  10. Gorgeous view and fantastic photos Stewart!!I would like to visit Tasmania one day!Have a lovely week!

  11. Must be a place close to Paradise.

    daily athens photo

  12. Spectacular view Stewart and well done to your kids for helping you get up there.

  13. Kids are natural climbers! Fabulous view and captures.

  14. Wow! Fantastic view! Great shot!

    (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  15. That bay has such spectacular beauty! I'm afraid I was of the chicken variety and only wandered round the bay - no climbing!

  16. No amount of barley sugar could fuel me enough to run up to the top of that hill (I used to be able to do that kind of thing!)...gorgeous view! Your kids are fortunate.

  17. i will definitely climb the hill if i get the chance. what a fabulous view!

  18. Fantastic! Yes! climbing might feel tiresome, once on the top the views will be rewarding!

  19. I bet that got the ticker beating. What a hike, but wow... what a sight!

    Congratulations for surviving the steep incline and descent.

    You captured the scene beautifully!

  20. What a view! Worth the climb. Kids and sugar. Like they need the extra energy!

  21. What a stunning view! Probably worth the climb. I probably would give up half way and paint this view:)

  22. Oh, how I hope to get the chance!
    Tasmania is on the top of my dream places to see.
    Stunning view, and made all the better that you were able to share it with your children!
