
Wednesday 2 January 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday 25 - Waders (and one other)

This post really follows on from the post on Tuesday.

After we had processed all the Terns we set off for another part of the Sewage Works - and in an area of tidal mud we sent another two nets.  Then the part of wader banding that most people find surprising kicked in; we sat back for an hour, drank tea and let the rising tide push the birds towards the nets.

This time the birds cooperated and we ended with about 60 birds - mostly Red Necked Stint, but also a small number of Sharp Tailed Sandpipers.

Sharp-Tailed Sand Piper.
Red Necked Stints
Red Necked Stints
Red Necked Stints
We worked our way through these birds - and reset the net in the middle of the afternoon.  Nobody comes banding just to sit down!

We moved off to our third location of the day for one last catch.  Unfortunately, things did not go to plan and most of the birds moved off before we had a chance to trap them.  I made up for it with these pictures.
Red-Necked Avocet
Golden-Headed Cisticola
All in all it was a great day.  If you get the chance to get involved in a banding trip you should.

Now its you turn to get involved with WBW. 

Dont forget to visit as many WBWers as possible, and to invite any other bloggers you know to join in.



  1. A couple of very interesting posts, Stewart. Hope that wasn't your finger getting bitten. I especially love your magnificent shot of the Red-Headed Avoce in flight. Have a great New Year!

  2. I did not know you have Avocets down there. And a real buty too. :)

    Happy New Year to you and thanks for hosting. :)

  3. the stints against the blue waters are so pretty. beautiful avocets, too. and the last shot w/ golden grasses is wonderful.

    thanks for hosting wbw!

  4. Wonderful bird.
    Wish you Happy and Prosperous New Year!

  5. Happy New Year - beautiful pictures showing various birds.
    Hanne Bente

  6. Beautiful captures of the shorebirds, Stewart. And the last one is a little cutie. Thanks for hosting and sharing your WBW. Have a great day!

  7. Beautiful shots of the Sandpipers, Stints, Avocet and Cristicola, Stewart.
    A well done job of banding birds.

  8. Happy New Year, Stewart
    and thanks for hosting WBW!
    Interesting days you had and very nice pictures of the birds. I like the flying ones most and the last one in the grass!
    Greetings Pia

  9. You have so many beautiful and interesting birds to share with us and your pictures are superb ... Thank you so much for ending our last year and starting our new year with these choice shots. I would love to get involved in banding ... you have inspired me. I think I will look into it :) Happy New Year Stewart ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  10. What a great selection of birds to see, especially the Sharp Tailed Sandpiper. From Findlay

  11. Great selection of shorebirds, really like the avocets, new to me.

  12. Great shots Stewart! Thanks for hosting WBW and Happy New Year!

  13. The stints seem to have mottled feathers! Beautiful, interesting characters!
    And thank you so much for the information on banding! Appreciated!

  14. I love to see one of the cisticola up close! Beautiful little birds; lovely photographs. Unfortunately having troubles again linking up. Why me? Everyone else can get in o.k., strange.

  15. Thanks for sharing the banding. I like the first photo the best.

    Also, thanks for hosting WBW. Happy New Year!

  16. How fun! I'd love to be involved in something like that. Those red-headed avocets are gorgeous!! Thank you for hosting WBW!! I will post something tomorrow. :)

  17. I would so love to even see these birds! Thanks for sharing your wonderful banding experience. And again Happy New Year and thanks for hosting.

  18. Truly lovely captures Stewart! and must be quite a rewarding experience as well :)

  19. You have the most amazing birds! The red-headed avocet is quite unique. What a great adventure.

  20. I see lots of Stints and a few Sharpies but it would be wonderful to actually have one in my hand!

  21. Happy New Year! Love the last photo of the Cisticola... Thanks for hosting this event!

  22. Hi Stewart your bird photos are AMAZING and as an avid birdwatcher here in East Africa, I am going to link my latest bird post to this one. Thanks for the opportunity to see other birders' posts and for encouraging me in this way to persevere in bird photography! The best for 2013 to you and your loved ones. Jo (Tanzania)

  23. Great images to start off the new year. :)

  24. Well now I've learned something new again. I had often wondered how large groups of birds get banded, and now I know. Every year I watch our local Peregrine Falcon offspring get banded, but at most it's four.

    Great shots, I really like the one of the Sand Piper.

    I'm linking in this week. Happy New Year to you!

  25. Great shots Stewart...but I have to admit, the last is my favorite. Stretching out his little legs between the blades of grass to hold his balance...that is an awesome capture. Happy Wednesday!

  26. Beautiful shots, Stewart! I just love that last little guy!

  27. Great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  28. I love the Avocets, they are beautiful!


  29. Superb shots again this week Stewart. As always I appreciate your good shepherding of WBW.
    Happy New Year to you Sir...

  30. The shore birds are wonderful but the in flight image of the Red Headed Avocets is also stunning. Sounds like the day was a good one. Happy New Year~

  31. What a great day ! Love the Avocets in flight.

  32. Amazing photos Stewart!Fantastic birds!Have a lovely day!

  33. love the last one! It wouldn't let me link up this week. no big deal. thanks for hosting.

  34. Lovely birds, but I would appreciate to see the names in latin, easy to find the French names.

  35. Beautiful post Stewart! Love those Red-necked Avocets!!
