
Sunday 24 February 2013

Macro Monday - Dry summer

Although some parts of Australia have had floods, we have had a dry summer.  And as the days without rain have passed the road-sides and paddocks have been baked a golden brown.  While this is a wonderful colour to see in isolation, when it covers a landscape it speaks of fire.

Last week we had grass fires running to the edge of the built up areas of Melbourne.  These relatively new estates seen under prepared for the fact that they may have wild fires coming towards them.

Fire is vital to our landscape - but it haunts the summer.

You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday

Enjoy the close ups.


  1. Beautiful colors and a lovely macro shot, Stewart.

  2. not a pretty sight at all and a potential disaster in more ways than one

  3. oh dear. that does not sound good at all. i was hoping the flooding meant other areas were in better shape.

  4. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. Now I know where I can link bird photography :)

  5. Hi Stewart...Fire is a scary thought,although you photo is lovely I can see from it the potential for wild fires !! I will take snow any day, which by the way is what it's doing right now : ) A winter wonderland!!
    Everything is cover with a heavy wet snow!!
    Take care

  6. Lovely close-up of grass! But, summer fire doesn't sound good at all!

  7. Hopefully the summer fire does not come to be...

  8. It doesn't take much once everything gets so dry. Wouldn't it be nice if the water could be dispersed more evenly.

  9. The grass is a beautiful color in this smallish dose, but I can well imagine how dry it means the area is -- and I can see that the grass is bending in the wind...which isn't good if there's a fire.

  10. The dry weather makes for some tough going. The extremes we are encountering worldwide are disturbing.

  11. When you are living through a tough winter you always imagine that it would be nice to move to somewhere hot....but the fires in Australia seem like a very high price to pay.Good images by the way!

  12. Beautiful colours, but neither fires nor floods sound good.

  13. Great photo..bitter sweet..let's hope it's a fire free summer..

  14. We had a dry summer (we are now in winter) but got a LOT of rain recently which has taken away our drought. Hope you get a steady rain - but not flooding rains.

  15. beautiful image Stewart. Fire is frightening, destructive, and yet begets new life. There is mysterious balance in everything.

  16. I remember while living in Texas those brown, dry times, though probably not as perilous as your situation. Hope you remain safe.

  17. What a wonderful image for Macro Monday Stewart! Do stay safe though, those dry days can be dangerous.

  18. It does make for a beautiful picture. I do hope you stay safe.

  19. Like straw spun into gold! But not a good situation to be in. Hope you get some needed rain.

  20. For all its advantages, bush fires are one of the things that would most worry me about life in Australia. Lovely colours in that photo.

  21. Olá,
    Tudo muito bonito por aqui...
    Bjs fraternos de paz

  22. We are nearing the end of winter, and because new grasses have not started growing yet, on a sunny day, things look similar!

  23. Wild fires are very scary. I live in an area where they are very frequent.
