
Wednesday 6 February 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday 30 - Green Rosella

The Green Rosella (Platycercus caledonicus) is only found in Tasmania, despite a name that suggests it comes from New Caledonia.

Thankfully for a bird with a restricted range it is still common - in fact in some places in Tasmania it is the commonest parrot.  This being said, most of the view I got were of birds on the wing!

This individual is clearly in much better shape that the one the collided with our window.

I took these shots through the open passenger window of my car as I was parked in the middle of the road.  Its a good job that there is not very much traffic on Bruny Island.

Like most parrots they do seem to have the look of a character about them.  This bird was very pleased to show off both profiles.  There were two other birds in some longer grass in a shallow ditch at the base of the fence, but they did not want to cooperate.

Green Rosella

Green Rosella
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  1. I like the way it posed for you on the fence.

  2. Wow, what a gorgeous parrot Stewart! Again, thanks for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday!

  3. What a bird! So exotic! Loved it.

  4. Beautiful parrot viewing. My oldest son has had such a for a number of years ago - maybe a little shame to keep such a large bird in a cage :) Hanne Bente

  5. How wonderful to see these birds out in the free! Nice shots, Stewart, and good there wasn't much traffic!
    Greetings Pia

  6. You have some beautiful birds over there. Great catch!

  7. He has a commanding presence. A beautiful Parrot and a free Parrot ... The best kind. Beautiful picture, Stewart ... You don't think he would be wonderful with orange added? :) Love hearing from you, always ...

    Andrea @ Fromthe Sol

  8. I suggest everyone click on your pics to get a close-up view of these colorful and elegant parrots.
    In the middle of the road and thru the window of your car- Wow great captures, Stewart.

  9. Beautiful parrot,he certainly was posing for you!phyllis

  10. That is one beautiful bird. I wish we had them in the wild here. You got some great shots.

    Thanks for inviting me to add my link.

    Happy WBW everyone!

  11. What a fabulous bird! We only see them in cages here in Canada.

  12. These are fine captures Stewart!
    I love that you got him on the fence and that his head was turned away but looking back. This way we get to see all the wonderful colors of his feathers.

  13. A really lovely bird. Don't think I will be getting one of those on my feeders. From Findlay

  14. Very fine images of a very fine bird, Stewart!

  15. A nice bird. Lovely colours!
    Great photowork!

  16. That is a beautiful rosella - another bird I haven't seen but would like to!

  17. lovely shots, I love how they show the green down the back. I hit one once too - terrible cliche but it came out of nowhere.. as I'm sure it did for you. Always horrible but can be quite fascinating seeing birds up so close when they have died.

  18. Wow!! What a wonderful bird!

  19. a lovely looking rosella - less intense in colouring than the Eastern and very handsome!

  20. A very beautiful bird. I'm wondering if they can be tamed?

  21. Hallo Stewart!After the dolphins comes the Rosella birds!Gorgeous birds!!Great shots!Have a lovely day!

  22. Stewart, your Rosella is beautiful. Great sighting and your photos are wonderful. I am glad there was not much traffic. Thanks for hosting, have a great week!

  23. A very pretty bird! The fence perch is awesome! Very nice shots!

  24. I think we're pretty lucky here in B.C. with the number of bird species we get to see, but oh.. my.. goodness! I can't imagine getting to see a parrot. That just doesn't happen (unless someone's poor caged pet escapes). Wonderful photos too! Thanks, Stewart!

  25. Green is my favorite color.... so this bird steals my heart! What a beautiful creature!

  26. Stewart, what a really attractive bird! With those colors, I'm surprised they haven't been hunted to extinction.

    Very nice "target of opportunity"!

  27. Being a New Englander it's always so strange to see parrots in the wild (Once upon a time we had a Carolina Parakeets but sadly they're extinct) and I'm jealous, not many of our wild birds are colorful.

    Gorgeous bird and great shot! I've only tried to photograph wild birds a few times and they never pose like that!

  28. Hi Stewart...Love those colors, of this amazing birds photos!
    I believe the only Parrots I will ever see will be in a cage, which is sad!!

  29. It's so beautiful, Stewart! And so much nicer than the way we see them here, in a little cage.

  30. Impressive! You got both profile views. You were very skillful at capturing his gorgeous plumage.

  31. What a pretty bird!

  32. I love parrots. These are great photos that you've captured too.
    Thanks for this delightful post.

  33. A nice looking and somewhat subdued plumage for a parrot Stewart. I'll bet its calls aren't so subtle though?

  34. Beautiful photos.
    I attempted (for the first time) to add my link, but was unsuccessful. Here's the link to my post:

  35. You need a sticker I saw in South Africa (and wish I could find!) It says: Beware: vehicle may stop suddenly. Birdwatching in progress! I love the Green Rosella and am glad it's OK after colliding with your window. Have a great day. Jo

  36. What a stunning looking, colourful bird Stewart. I have only seen one kind of free flying Parrot species down in Florida. To see these out in the wild, how spectacular that must be~

  37. I always marvel at the colorful and exotic birds you see - for me it's like being in a zoo! Beautiful images of a very handsome and proud-looking parrot!

  38. Beautiful, colorful bird - looks great perched on the weathered wood fence.

  39. What a beautiful bird Stewart!! I need to visit Tasmania someday.

  40. Very cool! Interesting primary colors (red yellow blue) on its head.

  41. That is one beautiful parrot. Thanks for posting and thanks for hosting.

  42. This little guy has quite dark colour tones in contrast with the yellow! Love his poses for you!

  43. Hi !
    In the front of the second picture is a Mediterannean gull (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus)
    Have a good day ;-)
    CĂ©line & Philippe

  44. What a great looking Rosella! I've never seen these before.

    I missed the link up with WBW this week, unfortunately.

  45. He's a really lovely bird, Stewart!

  46. Love this! Such great photos everyone. I like to photograph birds, too, but mine are just embarrassing compared to these! LOL

  47. this is a stunning parrot. Thanks for sharing these beautiful shots.
