
Sunday 3 March 2013

Macro Monday - Backyard Cricket

A while back I was doing a backyard safari with the kids - some form of school mini-beast project no doubt.

We found this cricket in the plants that grow between the rocks.  We thought it was a bit to marco to be collected for the project, so I took some pictures instead.

Initially I was not pleased with the result - way to much movenment from me, the wind, the grass and the cricket.  But its slowly dawned on me that I rather liked the image.  It may not be sharp, but it does seem to capture the atmosphere of the find.

So here it is:

You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday.

Enjoy the close ups.

If you are new to my photo-blog you may not yet have had time to visit my other blog - its a wordy effort that comes out about once every two weeks.  You can find the latest post here.  Some people suggest its a decent read!


  1. Gostei da ideia.
    Podemos fazer muitos safaris com os mais novos ensinando-os a descobrirem a fauna e a flora à nossa volta e a saber respeitá-la.

  2. well camouflaged, green on green.

  3. Cool shot, Stewart! Cute cricket!

  4. Wouldn't want to meet that if it was as big as me. LOL Neat photo!

  5. He's so cute. I think the softness gives the photo a dreamy effect. It's also amazing to me how these critters blend so well into their surroundings.

  6. looks like what we call a katydid. i like the image a lot!

  7. You are dabbling a little in photo art ... the difuse glow adds a dimension to the overall picture. And, look at the powerful leg ... I bet he can cover a lot of distance once he decides to go. Great shot, Stewart.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  8. A soft effect sometimes can work for a photo making it all the better. Yours here is a good example of that. Well done Stewart.

  9. I love it! It has such a soft quality...I would have thought you used a filter on purpose. I love the way he blends so beautifully with the green foliage.

  10. I love your green cricket, Stewart!! Great Macro shot for the day!

  11. Hi Stewart!Great micro shot!!That cricket is so cute!Hope you have a lovely week!

  12. Oh I like it, pretty green on green! Our crickets are black.

  13. I agree, this is a great shot. So ethereal. Some things just do not hold still for photos.

  14. He slowly crouched,
    eyes focussed,
    mind antenaas sharp,
    keeping wickets,
    as the wind came in to bowl.

    But Sachin Tendulkar
    at the crease
    meant something else.

    The ball smashed
    under him
    as he bent to
    hold a catch,
    and the leafy umpire,
    simply waved
    his arms in the air,
    to declare four runs.....

  15. We call that a grasshopper....not an easy feat to capture them, unless they are willingly stay in one place.

  16. I like your cricket photo - great macro!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  17. A great capture Stewart, and the blurred movement adds to the scene. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Beautiful picture you show :)

  19. Great details and color.

  20. I like it! They don't usually sit still long enough to be captured.

  21. Great shot of the little guy!

  22. I like all the green and soft colours in this picture.

    And thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  23. I do like the soft quality of the shot. Very nice, and I'm really enjoying the green!

  24. Definitely a dreamy shot though the cricket does not look too happy with the photographer. Like all the green. genie
