
Monday 22 April 2013

Our World Tuesday - Murray Street Mall, Perth

I thought I'd try something a bit different one morning in Perth.  I went for a walk along Murray Street Mall - a pedestrian precinct as far as I know - and took some pictures of some of the street artists that were busking or (in one case) painting.

Not my normal subjects - but being in a new city must have pushed me off in a new direction for a while!

On one of the side streets there was an area of ground level water fountains - it was hot and so there were kids it the water.  Given that they were kids I wanted to keep them anonymous, but still show some movement and life (I think adults - and especially street performers - are fair game!)

So, no landscapes from me this week!  You can find other shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.

Enjoy the pictures.  If you have time you may also enjoy the words and pictures on my other blog.


  1. Looks like a wonderful place to stroll and see things not normally seen every day. Looking at your photo's I know I would have enjoyed the day as well.

  2. Thanks for the visit. 'Pie Floater' sounds, well, unique! Eeek!

    Alderley Edge sounds interesting too. Is that maybe where you're from originally?

    Loved Melbourne during a visit to OZ some years back!

  3. Okay, need a little help here ... Busking? The rest is perfectly clear and wonderful. I love your choice of subjects and your discreet picture of the kids in the water. You are growing as a photographer and I am loving watching you.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  4. A very sensitive photo of the children in the fountain. Perth has become quite a bustling metropolis.

  5. I very much agree on the kid photo etiquette.. but that the others, as you said are fair game!
    You did a nice job capturing them all!

  6. the kids in fountain shot is very cool! the 'workman' is great, too!

  7. Terrific shots for the day, Stewart! The statue is terrific and such a lovely fountain. Hope you have a great week!

  8. Beautiful pictures Stewart.
    The children in the fountain are totally awesome.
    Regards, Irma

  9. Great shots Stewart! Is that workman a statue or real? I saw a silver statue in Sydney, turned out to be a live person painted. Freaked me out when I went up to him and he said hello!

  10. Super shots. I love the fountain and watery images of the kids. The working man is a street performer--right? MB

  11. That's a great one of the kids playing in the fountains. I'm never that sure about some of the street performers especially the ones that spray paint themselves and pretend to be a statue.

  12. Can you believe when I saw the last photo, I thought at first there it is some ice figures until I got second thought where you are living :))
    Fine to see something quite different.
    We do not much have used to these human statues, perhaps because of our climate, they could freeze by standing long time in one place :)
    Nice week to you and greetings from among melting snow and ice !

  13. Great shots Stewart!Beautiful images from Perth!I was a kid when i visit Perth!!Have a lovely week!

  14. I just love buskers (when we're in a city that has them, I will stop to watch every performer). The kids are having such a great time in that water-wall....great job of showing action while keeping their privacy!

  15. That looks like the same busker I saw in the French Quarter last year! It's amazing how they can look like statues with silver and gold paint. Nice shots. :)

  16. The busker shot is great and I love the shot of the kids in the fountain. A fun time in the city. Have a great week ahead.

  17. Great shots Stewart a different type of subject matter.

  18. Great pics! It's always good to experiment.

    That first photo looks like my brother!

  19. Fun post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  20. These are wonderful! I sometimes think I need to visit a city just so I can try my hand at photography off the farm.

  21. Nice pics Stewart. I'm not a real fan of big cities, but walking around taking photos is lots of fun, because you never know what you'll see!

  22. That is one great post. That statue had me going for a while there!
