
Monday 15 April 2013

Our World Tuesday - Perth, Western Australia

Perth in Western Australia is a different kind of town - and some would argue a different kind of Australia.  Its location places it closer to Jakarta than it is to Sydney.  While all colonial history could have been very different, it would not have been that difficult for western Australia to be a French speaking nation independent from the East Coast of Australia.   Today, the mineral wealth of WA and the financial wealth it produces make it a very rich place and the idea of separation still appeals to some people.

As you may be aware, I tend to let my mind wander a bit when I am taking pictures of things other than birds and such like - I like to see if I can chase an idea.

These images are about the old and the new of Australia - the dynamic of change and the resistance of history.   My mind went that way when I saw the modern glass building, with the red tin roof in front of it.  If Australia has a traditional building material, its corrugated iron sheets. And the sound of rain on a tin roof - the back of our house has one - has become one of my favourite sounds.   So, I though this was an image about the "then" of the past and the "now" of the present.  Of course, its highly likely its just a picture of a roof and some glass really!

The rest of the pictures are about the old being made new, and the new being made from nothing - or they are pictures of building sites and scaffolding!  Tell me what you think!

You can find more images from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. Looks lovely the new comapred to the junk before.

  2. Great captures for the day, Stewart! I really like the comparisons!! Have a good week!

  3. i like the color contrast in the first.

  4. Interesting thoughts Stewart. A good comparison of materials and colour.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I sometimes think we might be related :)
    Building in Perth

    A bit of a different take - but I'm pretty sure it's the same building that caught our eye.

  7. I can hear what the rain on a tin roof would sound like (it's loud when you live in an RV too)....I learned to like it.

    Enjoyed the history about Western Australia-- didn't know any of that. (don't know much about anything.)

  8. Some very interesting shots Stewart, I like the history part because we go places where we can learn about the history if it is saved/

  9. I agree Stewart ... nothing compares to the sound of rain on a tin roof ..... Modern glass contrasted against a tin roof ... I would say very Australian.

  10. Love your abstract paintings of Perth. Great eye for composition. Enlarge them to massive and stick them in a gallery - people will flock to them, make deep and meaningful comments and if the prices are high enough, snap them up like hotcakes.
    If your eyesight is dodgy like mine, the first one epitomises our hot inland, at first I saw it as a lot of sky over the desert. The colours are just so Australian!

  11. I learned something new about Australia. Now, I would like to hear the sound of rain on a tin roof. Interesting abstracts, Stewart. Thanks for sharing your world, have a happy week!

  12. Stewart...This is such a neat post. It almost looks like an exhibit on Australia in an art museum. We have LOTS of tin roofs in our neck of the words. Our house has one and I LOVE to hear the rain hitting it. Great contribution this week. genie

  13. My grandparents had a tin roof for years and with all the rain Louisiana gets, I grew to love the sound of rain on it. But not hail! Hail sounded like gunfire. :) Love your idea of the old and new together. Well done!

  14. I agree that the sound of rain falling on a tin roof is something special...

  15. I love the almost abstract nature of these shots. My sister lives in Perth and loves it there.

  16. it is so interesting to go our with a camera to look for different textures, angles, lines, to photograph. I different slant on the city. I just love corrugated iron!
    Have a wonderful week.

  17. Cool amd different! Normally I like the old to be preserved- but here it is better the other way around.

  18. Good Clicks... I like all compositions...

  19. I like those urban patterns. Very interesting information about Perth and also tin roofs.

  20. Hallo Stewart!Great captures! A good comparison of materials and colour!Hope you have a lovely week!

  21. Love the modern windows although We get a lot of them here now but I miss the old. I like the pattern of the last picture as well
