
Thursday 18 April 2013

Sky Watch Friday - Over the Horizon

I spent a very nice hour in Perth watching the sun set - I was talking to an older couple who had come to Australia in the 1950's from Blackburn in Lancashire in the UK.  It was fascinating to hear them talk about how much Perth had changed since they had arrived.  Even more interesting was the fact that they had never been to the east coast of Australia.

I realised I was not really paying attention to the sunset - these are some images of the after glow!

In lulls in the conversation I took lots of pictures - trying to achieve a balance between the light sky, the colour on the horizon and the darkness of the foreground.  Its at times like this you have to love digital!

You can find more skies at Sky Watch Friday.


  1. Sunsets almost any where are so nice to slow down to watch. Very nice shots.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Beautiful sunsets, Stewart.
    Photo two is my favorite, because the lights along the beach.
    Regards, Irma

  4. Wow --- how very beautiful!

  5. Stunning images! I especially love the second one!! Very beautiful, have a lovely week ahead Stewart :)

  6. mmmmm... I can smell the sea air, Stewart. What gorgeous images.

  7. You certainly achieved your aim. Stunning colours, reflections and compositions.

  8. What a view Stewart! Magical shots.

  9. You hit the nail on the head there Stewart talking about the after glow. What a great description. Just love the colours.

  10. Gorgeous skies and what a way to end a day!! Terrific captures, Stewart! Have a great weekend!

  11. Glow is the perfect descriptor for these shots! My, how incredibly beautiful.

  12. Spectacular shots - I really like the second one. It looks like a long exposure with those brilliant starbursts from the lights.

    I often get caught up in listening & talking with people, too.. :)

  13. Sometimes it's a tug-of-war when you love to meet people and also love to photograph scenery! You -- obviously -- did well with both!

  14. Stewart, these are lovely photos and a beautiful sky! A great way to end your day! Happy Skywatching!

  15. Well you managed to capture beautiful images. I love to listen and learn form others but I like to take my shots unencumbered using both my eyes and ears to see. But you managed. Thank goodness. MB

  16. These are gorgeous sunsets!!

  17. Your between chat shots are quite delightful .... it's amazing how much colour remains after the sun sinks blow the horizon. My photography lecturer is always encouraging us to take such shots.

  18. beautiful blues...twilight is my favorite time of the day.

  19. Great shots, Stewart. Really beautiful skies.

  20. Hallo Stewart!I can't stop looking your wonderful pictures!So beautiful and so magic!I love sunsets!!How much i miss Australia!!!!Hope you have a lovely day!!

  21. I am in agreement with your other comments. The middle picture is mouth watering ... the horizen accented by the lights along the beach. Simply beautiful. That is the kind of picture you frame and hang with all your bird pictures to show your diversity :) Love them, Stewart ...

    Andrea @From The Sol

  22. Hello!

    These shots are wonderful. The depth of the colors and the lighting are just gorgeous.

  23. Pre-glow or after-glow; these are some beauties Stewart!

  24. These are amazingly colorful!
