
Sunday 19 May 2013

A Macro on Monday - Two Things.

These are the only two things that I have that were owned by my parents.  So, on a round figure birthday,  I think it's appropriate to look backwards at the same time as looking forward.

So, at the end of a (very) good day I decided to post this.

You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday.

Cheers SM.

PS:  If you feel like giving me a birthday present, why not visit my other blog and have a read!


  1. A very Happy Birthday to you Stewart!!!
    Ah, what it is to be thirty again . . .
    All I have is a little liquer glass to remember my father by. The Russians sent him to Siberia when I was four, I briefly saw him once more before the Baltic states were free of the Russian yoke, when it took him longer to get to Riga from Siberia than it took us with a stop-over in Singapore. Papa's wedding ring and watch were never seen again after my brother's arm was amputated on the battle field . . .
    Enjoy what is left of your birthday and your memories.

  2. a little sentimental macro, and best wishes for your special birthday Stewart

  3. Don't spend too long looking back. However, that ring looks very similar to one my mother wears. Enjoy this special birthday and I wish you a long and happy blogging future.

  4. Beautifully presented ... just enough to peak our interest and some left to the imagination. I am sorry that you have so few belongings from your parents, but I am certain, as you are looking back, you have many good memories.

    So Happy Round Figured Birthday, Stewart. I won't guess at which round figure we are talking about (though Arija seems to know)I will only say that your years have served you well and that you are a interesting, talented, informed blogger and a wonderful family man and that is worthy of celebration.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  5. happy round-figured birthday, stewart!

  6. Round-figured birthday? So you are going on a diet then? Sorry Stewart, couldn't resist. Enjoy your day. When my birthday comes, I run away from home.

  7. Wonderful presentation ... !!

    LG Timur

  8. Happy Birthday Stewart! I have a similar ring that was my mom's.

  9. Happy Birthday Stewart, old things are to be treasured, lovely capture.

  10. Happy Birthday, Stewart! I hope your day was great!

  11. Yeah, happy birthday, Stewart – but at what age does a ‘Round-Figured Birthday’ become just another “Big Zero’?

  12. Soooo, this makes me wonder why you only have TWO things. ...My parents family home burned down almost 20 years ago, and that's why I don't have many of their things. ...Or maybe you are just not a "hoarder" and are picky about only keeping a few things!

    At any rate, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  13. Wonderful macro shot... and happy birthday!

  14. Happy Birthday Stewart!!!! Lovely memories from your parents. Hmmm a round number huh? I'm hosting I Heart Macro this week for the first time, you are welcome to join this meme as well. The link will be open until 8pm (GMT-4) Monday evening:-)

  15. Happy Birthday! And a wonderful macro to cherish your parents.

  16. thanks so much for participating in I Heart Macro Stewart... I hope it attracts some new friends to your blog!

  17. Happy Birthday Stewart! I have a couple of photos but nothing else from my parents.

  18. Haha!!! "on a round numbered birthday" I love it!!! Happy Birthday Stewart!!! May you have many more round numbered birthdays!!!

    Wonderful photo...very poignant in it's simplicity!!!

  19. Happy Birthday dear Stewart!!Very beautiful ring full of nice memories!I hope you had a great time!
    Have a lovely week!

  20. Happy belated birthday, Stewart!

  21. Happy birthday, Stewart! The ring is beautiful and I'm sure it holds many memories for you.

  22. Happy belated birthday...glad it was a wonderful day; you deserve it.

    These are beautiful poignant memories and make a perfectly lovely macro.

  23. A very happy birthday to you! My mother's ring looked a lot like yours. I'm sure you cherish the memories.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Happy birthday Stewart! A very special treasure.

  26. Belated Happy Birthday - glad to hear you had a good day. I have quite a few 'treasures'from my maternal grandparents and many more still residing with my mother!

  27. Happy birthday! What a meaningful post for Macro Monday.

  28. Happy belated birthday, Stewart!
    As it turned out, we were traveling across country here in the states on your birthday, and I'm still catching up at home & on blog reading.
    I like the thought behind this post, and hope you had a wonderful day!
