
Monday 3 June 2013

An old world

I've just completed a post on my other blog, and these images are part of the post.

I decided that turning 50 was as good a time as any to think about getting to where I am today - and these are two images of where I was yesterday (well, sort of yesterday!)

 North Lancs
From Yoke - Cumbria 

At present I have 215 people following this photoblog and only 83 people following my wordy blog - so it possible that you may be one of the people who are missing out!

Why not pop over and have a look around!

Sorry about the blatant advertising!

You can find more shots and less advertising at Our World Tuesday.


  1. Ha, ha, your'e not as blatant as some. Glad my Sherlock hunting cap dis not lea me astray. You're just a couple of years younger than my youngest. Quite a milestone isn't it?

  2. beautiful photogaphs, each of these Stewart, from 'the old country' ...

  3. really beautiful! since i follow too many blogs, when someone has multiples, i pick one and stick to it. since i'm more of a photo blogger instead of a wordy blogger, that's why i like this place. :) not saying you don't have worthy stuff to share elsewhere... :)

  4. Lovely captures Stewart. As I get older time goes faster, but the distant past often feels like yesterday.

  5. Beautiful images! Sorry, I have to go with the one blog per person rule, too. I can barely keep up with the ones I follow now. Hope you have a great week!

  6. I changed jobs at 50 - the best thing I ever did. The skies are amazing on those photos. Oh yes - happy belated birthday.

  7. Wonderful photos...My favorite ist No. 2 !!

    Have a nice week.

    Greetings from Germany

  8. Blatant advertising, when it comes to quality material, is all good!!
    I enjoy your wordy blog, and these images / locations are outstanding!

  9. Awesome, wintry captures for the day, Stewart! Moody, but beautiful!! I always love your photos! Hope you have a great week!!

  10. I'll follow you anywhere (in blogland ;>)!) Happy Birthday.

  11. Wow, that's not even old. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  12. beautiful landscape shots! And 50 is young! And in case missed it, happy belated Birthday! I have go and check out your other blog, but I believe I am a follower. Have a happy week!

  13. Gorgeous, Stewart! Happy Birthday!

  14. Awesome shots! And a very happy birthday to you!

  15. Second capture is toooo beautiful...

  16. Beautiful photography as always, happy birthday and 50 isn't so bad :)

  17. Happy belated birthday! I had to come back since I forgot to include it in yesterday's comment. Hope your special day was great! And welcome to the golden decade!

  18. Happy belated birthday! I had to come back since I forgot to include it in yesterday's comment. Hope your special day was great! And welcome to the golden decade!

  19. Happy birthday! Your world certainly is beautiful!

  20. Both shots are beautiful but the second one is extraordinary---like you are on top of the world. So Happy Day to you. MB

  21. PS: almost no one looks or comments on my other blog either. Hmmmmm! MB

  22. Well then, Happy Birthday!
    Beautiful photos...

  23. Lovely shots Stewart!!
    I don't mind the blatant advertising... It's reminded me to head on over to check your "wordy" blog as I haven't visited for a while!

  24. Beautiful photos Stewart!!Lovely landscapes!!I realy enjoyed seeing them!
