
Monday 24 June 2013

I see the Moon.......

Lots of people will have looked at this Moon - and for once I was one of them.  No clouds got in the way and I finally got to take some shots.

For reasons I failed to find funny, my kids thought it would be a good idea to lock the front door when I was outside taking this picture!   Its been the coldest 3 nights in a row for 15 years and thats when the kids decide to have some fun!  Oh well!

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. Ah, that's the photograph I wanted to take because it was too cloudy and, well, because I fell asleep. :-)

  2. Well done! I was very very lucky last night, the clouds cleared for around an hour between 10.30 - 11.30 so I was there shooting away. Will show my pics soon (well, some of them!) Scallywag kids hey!

  3. absolutely laughing at your kids!

  4. Well done!! Really cool photo !!


  5. Nice photo Stuart, unfortunately was very cloudy here, no photo opportunities. Oh well there's always next year.

  6. Beautiful shot of the moon! I looked at it both nights in sheer amazement. Sorry you were left out in the cold tho. Kids! :)

  7. Ha ha dad! That's a great moon shot Stewart!

  8. No way to see the moon in Belgium not even the sun ! Too many clouds !

  9. Gorgeous shot of the moon, Stewart, and I, too, had to laugh at your kids!! Have a great week -- be sure to keep your keys to the house in your pocket!!

  10. This is a wonderful photo...I tried to get a photo, but the trees and then the clouds...LOL on getting locked out and I do love the name of your blog... Michelle

  11. This is about the best moon photo I've seen on blogs lately. Well done Stewart. Do let us know just how you exacted your revenge upon the kids. Payback!

  12. A perfect moon shot and your kids seem to have enjoyed the full moon too.

  13. Great shot! We had a lot of clouds, but I did get a peek at it.

  14. I missed it due to the heavy downpour we have been getting for the last few days. But I am enjoying it in the various pictures I came across in the blogosphere. Beautiful capture! Pity about being locked out in the cold though.

  15. Beautiful shot of the moon Stewart!
    I went to Cape Sounion at the Tample of Posidon and took shots of the full moon!!It's hot here!!

  16. just wait and you can get your own back,,nice photo.


  17. Ha, ha. The kids love a good time. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  18. Beautiful capture of the super moon, Stewart! It is hot and humid here in Maryland. Have a happy week!

  19. Oh, I wish I could get a shot like that. Well done!

  20. amazing capture! And very naughty kids!

  21. Great photo of the moon, Stewart.
    Here is the moon already days, not see through the clouds.
    Kind regards, Irma

  22. That's a wonderful shot of the moon!

  23. Fantastic moon shot!! I tried to capture some photos of it but they didn't turn out too well lol.

  24. They surely trust you and love you or they wouldn't dare ... betting you have lots of fun together even in the cold.
    We had our full moon this week as well, but I was too lazy to use the tripod so my pictures didn't turn out anything like your beauty.

    As one good turn deserves another, I will be waiting to hear how you seek revenge on those bright eyed little munchkins ... A great opportunity for Dad to teach that actions have consequences:) See you tomorrow, Stewart.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  25. Those darn kids. I bet they laughed and laughed!!
    Moon shot is nice. I caught the moon too. MB

  26. It was cloudy here so I wasn't able to shoot the super moon, I'll just enjoy yours though, thanks:) Great shot!

  27. Ohhhh! Those mischievous kids!!! Good thing you got the shot before your fingers froze!!!

  28. Kids, you owe your Dad some extra chores. He cannot lock you out, so remember, what you sow, so shall ye reap. It is simple quantum physics. Wonderful photo. Was cloudy here. Missed the great moon over Hogback mountains of Monkton, Vermont. Have a great weekend spending quality time with your children! mary

  29. Oh those kids!
    It was too cloudy to see the "super" moon here. I don't have a tripod, so it probably wouldn't have turned out anyway.
