
Sunday 21 July 2013

Red and .........

During out short time in central Australia I was struck by a contradiction in what we saw - the landscape seemed to be both harsh and fragile at the same time.

I have no idea how hot it must be in the summer, but we were there in winter and the sun was bright and many areas were dry.  Equally it was a place that seemed to record the footprints of its passing visitors more clearly than many other places I have been.  You did really feel that you could alter the survival of things with a misplaced heavy footstep.  Even in the areas that were clearly marked as off limits were criss-crossed with foot marks.

I made this pair of images to try to talk about the natural and the manmade and the way they both seemed to be part of my experience.

I like the combination of colours and textures against the red dirt of the desert.

You can find more close up shots at Macro Monday 2 and I love Macro

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. Hi Stewart Very interesting shots of colour and texture. Margaret

  2. Edibly beautiful red soil and isn't it astonishing to see the sparsely spaced desert plants?
    I'd love to see the other few thousand shots you took.

  3. Hello Stewart,
    Beautiful pictures with the red earth.

  4. Heel mooi met die ondergrond van de rode aarde.

  5. Lovely photos. When we were in Sedona, AZ the park regulations said to stay on the path. Walking elsewhere would break the crust which was filled with living things and very fragile. I imagine the desert where you were was the same.

  6. i can imagine it must be pretty brutal in summer, then.

  7. Incredible red soil that makes a great background for your wonderful macro shots, Stewart! Hope you have a good week!

  8. Fascinated by the yellow chain. Anything on the other end?

  9. Hello...the first photo is amazing !! Great captures !


  10. Beautiful shots. The red soil is fascinating.

  11. What rugged little plants to grow in that dry, red earth.

  12. Hallo Stewart!!!
    Lovely pictures!!!Great place indeed!

  13. Love both photos...the yellow chain is bold against the red...the fragile plant seems brave in such a hard environment

  14. such beautiful soil... I've never seen earth so red before! Thanks for sharing the love up-close Stewart:-)

  15. I love the red sand, and the contrast with the "dusty" plants. Great shots Stewart. I have been there in all seasons, believe me when I say...summer is like being in a blast furnace!

  16. It reminds me of the red earth in Monument Valley AZ or in the Four Corners area and Utah. Nice contrast

  17. Love the red earth! And the little plant in, what seems to be ,a hard environment.

  18. Love the red earth! And the little plant in, what seems to be ,a hard environment.

  19. The red earth is so unbelievably red. And this little plant seems so healthy and well adapted to the harsh environment.

  20. "Harsh and fragile" - Wow! There's a lot could be said about that little phrase! Beautiful expressed in words and photos!

  21. The colour of the soil is just incredible! I love the contrast with the yellow chain .. and yet it makes me sad. These places should not be sullied with our detritus.

  22. I totally agree with you! It's bad enough that there are idiots walking all over fragile places. Since the inception of the quad runner there are also tire marks everywhere. Some people have no respect for nature or the history of some places.
