
Tuesday 9 July 2013

Sea Seals

A few weeks ago I took a boat trip around Phillip Island - which is about 2 hours east of Melbourne.
We were looking for whales, seals and albatross - and managed to see all three.

As well as taking my normal sort of shots I was looking to get some images of a less straight forward type.

At seal rocks we were visited by almost all of last seasons surviving seal pups - like dogs with flippers as they were described.  These were not seals that come around the boat because they are used to being fed - this is just inquisitiveness.

As you can see there were lots of seals in the water - which I actually found made it hard to get a focused shot.  (Not one that was in focus - but an image with a real focus).

Once I starting see the seals just under the side of the boat I realised I would be able to photograph them while they were still underwater - and that gave me the kind of image I was looking for

And although not sharp - these seals are fast I like the movement and life in this next image.

You can find more images from around the world at Our World Tuesday.  Hope you enjoy the pictures.


  1. What terrific captures of the seals, Stewart!! Looks like a wonderful trip! Thanks for sharing!! Have a great week!

  2. Marvelous shots! I have never seen so many seals together! Hope your week is going well!!

  3. so neat to see them in the wild!

  4. Interesting shots. Water is an interesting medium to work with or around. MB

  5. Wow, that is a big groups of seals. Cool sighting! I would love to see the whales, seals and the albatross. Is this a pelagic trip? I love the first shot! Have a happy week!

  6. Your last shot is amazing Stewart!!!
    Great captures!!You where so lucky!!!
    Have a lovely day!!

  7. I like your first shot as I have never seen so many seals in one place.

  8. How fun to see those seals.

  9. Wow! In that first photo, there hardly seems to be enough room for any one seal to find a swimming direction! Like a stampede! Fascinating photos - especially the underwater action shots!

  10. that would've been an enjoyable trip to do on the water Stewart; great to see the seals. Now I'm wondering if you got close to the whales?

  11. So many seals I've never seen together.
    Regards, Irma

  12. I also like that last photo the best - it really shows off the speed and grace of an animal that might otherwise look cumbersome out of its natural element. I saw my first seal in QLD last year and was very excited - can't imagine what it'd be like to see so many before my very eyes!

  13. Indeed, Great photography! i think that the seals are finding food and enjoy together.
    Interesting post.

  14. Stewart this is my new favorite post of yours!! Seals are among my most favorite of all animals :)

  15. Like a school of fish. What a privilege to be among them. Quite a challenge to photograph.

  16. It's always an amazing thing to see sea mammals in the wild. Nice shots Stewart!

  17. Wonderful shots, Stewart! I'd love to do a Seal watching tour when I'm down in Vic next.
    This last week, we went up to Hervey Bay and I took a 'Dolphin tour' in the waters between the mainland and Fraser Island. Imagine my delight to capture the Killer Whales currently in the area... the opportunity of a lifetime as they have never been in the bay before. I went back for more the next day! It was incredible!!
