
Monday 21 October 2013

Just like the song said

A short drive from the 12 Apostles you can see another feature carved from the soft rock of Victoria - this one is called London Bridge.  And, just like the one in the song this bridge has fallen down.

On the 15th January 1990 this geological version of London Bridge did in fact fall down.  The used to a rock arch that linked the now isolated pillar to the coast.  Two tourists were trapped on the still standing section, and were rescued by helicopter.  They must still be telling that story!

It takes almost no imagination to see why this coast is changing so quickly - the waves surge all over the rock and the water swarms at the base of the pillar.  You leave the viewpoints without any doubt about the power of the ocean.

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. Wow...what a beautful place !

    Best regards

  2. You have posted some beautiful seascapes recently..... Another great post Stewart

  3. Wow what a beautiful wonder that is. You're right, I bet those two tourists will tell that story the rest of their lives.

  4. heel mooi ja dan merk je pas hoe sterk de oceaan is.

  5. Amazing -- the earth is still forming itself! Yeah I bet those tourists definitely are still talking about that little adventure ...

  6. Moving water is a powerful force. I wouldn't want to be stranded out there.

  7. What would be the chances of it collapsing with people on the other side? Most of the time things like that happen in Nature with no one around to witness it. Wonderful looking shoreline Stewart.

  8. HI Stewart Wonderful coastline. I love the seas bashing in to rocks. great pity that part of 'London Bridge' is missing now!

  9. The power of the ocean ... something one doesn't think about very often. We tend to take things for granted and your photographs have shown us something that we should always be aware of ... Nature is not to be denied. The oceans recarve our earth and the temperature of their waters spawn storms that recarve our communities ... we should learn to be respectful of nature because she will win in the end. Great post, Stewart ...

    Andrea @ Fropm The Sol

  10. Beautiful shots Stewart! I saw it before it collapsed.

  11. An awesome place indeed, Stewart!! I do love your seascapes and can almost hear the roar of the water!! Terrific!! Hope you have a great week!

  12. It will be interesting to take the same views in 10 or 20 years from now and see how the apostles and the nearby rocks have stood the test of time or not as the case may be.

  13. Loving your shots of the sea. This one really shows the power of the ocean. Fascinating!

  14. Nice shots Stewart and background info. Having spent my childhood in SW victoria I had been marched across London Bridge on many occasions - can still picture the front page of the newspaper the day after the section fell!

  15. Fascinating story, and very appropriately named natural bridge. You caught the power of the wave well.

  16. That second photo really shows the power of nature. Those tourists were mighty lucky. All the photos are beautiful... I love seeing the varied landscape here on your blog Stewart.

  17. I am always mesmerised by the surge and suck of the ocean and can watch it by the hour. Somewhere in one of my pre-historic albums I have a picture of the bridge as it was . . .

  18. Wow - how very gorgeous and what a lovely sight.

  19. Stunning, that must have been very scary when it collapsed for the couple left there!

  20. It's such a stunning area of the Victorian coastline! I'm hoping to do a trip on the Great Ocean Road when we visit Melbourne in May for my Mum's 80th.

  21. Been there! Such fun to see you photos. Marvelous!!

  22. beautiful pictures!
    greetings Babs

  23. Fantastic place Stewart!!
    Wonderful pictures!!!

  24. Beautiful photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  25. What an amazing place! You photos of it are also amazing. The narrative was also interesting. Thanks!

  26. Your beautiful shots do show the power of nature. Very nice!

  27. Glad to hear those people were recovered safely! Now it looks like there needs to be a new rock-bridge to join the disconnected pillars.

  28. Gorgeous! Such a beautiful scenery! Wonderful captured!
