
Thursday 28 November 2013

Why I like blogging…..

On Wednesday, as has been my way for the best past of three years, I posted I picture of a bird.  This week the bird was an Eastern Yellow Robin - a great looking bird in lemon yellow and grey.

One of the birds in the pictures wore a green plastic band on its left leg - green left would have been added to the note book if I had noticed it in the field.  But I only spotted it on the screen at home.

I had done a quick but unsuccessful inter-net search for information about projects banding these birds, but came up empty handed.

I mentioned this in the post, more in passing than anything else.

Then I got a comment from Pete Shanley  - a Melbourne birder who I have never met - pointing me towards one of his contacts doing a PhD on urban Eastern Yellow Robins.

Seven degrees of separation?

I really do like blogging.  SM


  1. it becomes a very small world. :)

  2. hij staat er echt heel mooi op ja z,on bandje zie je meestal pas als je de foto,s gaat uitzoeken.

  3. Blogging seems to pull our world together, doesn't it? Excellent photo.

  4. Such a lovely Robin. So much prettier than ours over here.

  5. It also shows the value of us casual naturalists who get out there and can contribute to scientific knowledge!

    Lovely photo too by the way. The bird really pops out of that green background with your sharp focus!

  6. I love it too when things like that happen.......

  7. Everything happens for a reason :) Glad you enjoy blogging stewart as i really enjoy reading them.

  8. Life is good!
    I've been hit or miss with blogging with a busy November, but I do love it, too. :)

  9. Beautiful picture of the Eastern Yellow Robin.
    Very well photographed, Stewart.
    Greetings Irma

  10. I just popped over from Keith's Optimistic Existentialist blog.
    Great photos, love your blog.
    Rick, your latest follower.

  11. The number of times I've done the same, noticed a ring only when proccesing my pictures.

    Sometimes I worry I'm turning into a photographer rather than a birder.

    Blogging is great, almost as good as travelling the world for real.

  12. It truly does bring us together!!! and what a beautiful bird!

  13. I love blogging too, for this reason -- I get a lot of help too and also because of the wonderful comments I get...speaking of which I am so sorry you had trouble leaving a comment on FT-Life ... sometimes Typepad gets its tail in a twist and I can never figure out why or what to do about it.

    I'm so glad you came back and left your comment because it made me laugh! (Even the cold-blooded can use our machines).

    Thank you for trying again.
