
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Australian Red Rocks

My blog has had a break in Arizona - so I thought it was time to bring it back home with some shots from the archives.

These are a few of the many shots I took last year in Central Australia.  There were a number of things about the desert in Arizona that reminded by of Central Australia - the red stone being one of them.

Maybe it's was the weather, or maybe it's dewy eyed patriotism - but I think Central Australia shades it here.  Although given the chance, I'd like to let Arizona have another chance to charm me!

All three of these shots were taken at Uluru - its a remarkable place.  I recommend that you visit!

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. Beautiful color in those rocks! If you hadn't said so, I would have easily mistaken that for the western US.

  2. Nothing compares to Uluru!

  3. I would have to agree with you Stewart, a truly remarkable place.

  4. A remarkable place indeed, Stewart!! Thank you so much for sharing -- as always!! Have a great week!

  5. Interesting how the tree in the foreground of your last shot gives scale to the rocks behind.

  6. Love the red rocks. Nice photos!

  7. Must be more spectacular in person, I'm sure!!!

  8. These are beautiful for sure ... but in the name of dewy eyed patriotism ... you need to go to Utah and compare the red rock there to Australia. They are spectacular in person, as are yours, I am sure. Arizona is beautiful except for their bugs and snakes), but for red rocks ... Utah is the place to go. I'm not arguing with your patriatism ... just saying you can't compare apples to oranges or something like that. Great post in spite of my big mouth, Stewart :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  9. Awesome rocks this week, someday if I ever had a chance I love to visit Australia. If you ever get back to the desert southwest go to Monument Valley for more red. Happy days :)

  10. Beautiful colors, Stewart. Looks like an awesome place to visit. Thanks for sharing your world. Have a happy week!

  11. I'd love to be able to compare your red rocks with the ones I've seen. Your pictures definitely look like they'd be right in there if we were having a competition. But I think I'd probably just choose to enjoy the beauty of each. Big beautiful countries both of ours don't you think?

  12. Beautiful colors and textures in those rocks. I would really love to see Uluru someday, along with all the rest of Australia. Meanwhile, I enjoy it on your blog.

  13. Beautiful textures, colors and awesome photography for OWT ~ ^_^

  14. Goodness, what a beautiful place. And rock solid photography, I might add. :)

  15. It would be difficult to find something more amazing than Uluru. I hope I do get to see it one day.

  16. These colours are similar to Arizona. Gorgeous shots.

  17. I would want to see those AUS red rocks ... someday ...

  18. beautiful and geologically tantalizing.

  19. HI Stewart Looks like a fantastic place to visit with wonderful colouring.

  20. One day..I will travel to Australia to see all these wonders!

  21. Well Stewart, one thing is for sure. There is nowhere in the world like Uluru! Very nice pics..

  22. Oh Stewart your photos of Uluru are beautiful.
    I think Australia really does have the award when it comes to the colour red. The strength of the Sun's light purely enhances the richness of the red rock hues, and desert sands of inland Australia.
    I think it's part of what makes Australia unique.
    Thanks heaps for visiting.
    I do truly find your visits a gift given, I am one of many who love your Posts. Thanks deeply for your support and encouragement.

  23. What a gorgeous place! I just love those rock colors.

  24. I vaguely remember having visited something similar to this on my trip to America many years back. If you hadn't mentioned the place I would have mistaken this for it!

    Amazing landscape and your photos do it justice.
