
Monday 19 May 2014

A Saturday Walk - local things

I often wonder why some things catch my eye - but these did on my Saturday walk.

Waiting times.
The Joy of Public Transport
The Joy of Public Transport 2
 Cafe Mural
No autumn on this drive
Fence Sentinel
You can find shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. I love that orange kitty! The mural is nice too.

  2. What a beauty of a cat. I do like the mural and of course those Autumn leaves. The other signs I know nothing about. MB

  3. Beautiful pictures Stewart.
    The last of the cat is totally awesome.
    Greetings Irma

  4. We who are not accustomed to mass transit forget what it's like. Love that fence sentinel. Does he own you?

  5. the kitty is cute. love that mural with the rogue chicken!

  6. What a fun walk and great captures!! Thanks as always for sharing, Stewart!! And I do love your fence sentinel!! Handsome fellow! Have a great week!

  7. The signs make no sense to me. Like your comment on my Passing Side Suicide post. That may have something to do with these signs not making sense. Love the cat. No surprise there, eh?

  8. Neat sightings. Most people don't notice their surroundings much. Love the cat!

  9. Love the signs! Always amusing to see funny ones from other parts of the world.

  10. And that cat seems to know it all!

  11. Love the public transport, it's lousy over here, beautiful shots especially the cat gorgeous photo, have a wonderful week.

  12. That sure is a pretty kitty!

  13. A god collection of shots.

  14. Wonderful series of shots for OWT ~ but that beautiful cat steals the show ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  15. A nice look around - that mural brightens up the surroundings.
    Had a laugh at the autumn leaves raked or blown on to the road... waiting for the Council street-sweeper perhaps? :D)

  16. What a handsome orange kitty, surveying his kingdom.

  17. Wonderful wall art and a great look sentinel!

  18. Your neighborhood is full of photo ops! I love a photo walk like this, where I'm not looking for anything particular, but am just open to any possibility. just whatever catches my attention.

  19. That cat looks like the cat that ate the canary...

  20. Can't understand why people would want to get rid of the fallen leaves so quickly. Most children and I love to have them around. I used to rake the mulberry leaves into piles so the kids could jump into them , hide under, them or throw them into the air with gay abandon.

  21. I just had to pop in read this post and see your world, Stewart! I love the ginger cat and love that you, an avid birder, admired it and took its photo! I enjoyed this meander. See you tomorrow (yes I'm back from South Africa, YAY!) Jo

  22. I loved what you found on your Saturday walk ... especially the lovely cat sentinel.

  23. Fun post!! Boom, Bobbi and Gary.

  24. I still have "Autumn" on my hill. Last year the snow came so early that we were never able to rake the hill ... I see you have been taking care of business. What happens to the leaves that are sitting in the street? What if you have to back the car out, will your perfect piles get messed up? I am like you in that all kinds of mundane things catch my interest. I drive my family crazy with the click, click of the camera while driving along. I love the little fence sentinel and didn't you think it odd that a chicken was sitting in the tree? Love your posts ... your are always entertaining and educational. Nice way to be :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  25. I wonder what 2P means? I presume it's obvious you live there.

  26. This is why we always carry cameras around, right? I have no idea what that first photo is. I've never seen signs like that before.
    Love that pretty orange cat!

  27. The cat is so beautiful! And I love the mural!
