
Tuesday 6 May 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday 95 - Scarlet Robin

Those of you with a memory for such things will remember this wire fence from my recent Welcome Swallow post, it was a great little location for the birds.

In case you missed that post, this fence is one a dairy property nr. Walkerville in East Gippsland, about 3 hours from Melbourne.  It was a great place to spend a week.

Today the fence is playing host to a male and female Scarlet Robin - Petroica multicolour.  There are a number of these "robin" species in SE Australia, and I always like seeing them.  As is often the case with names like this, these birds are not closely related to either the American or European robins - it's just that they all have red chest feathers.

Some books consider that there are seasonal movements of these birds at the end of the breeding seasons, but others suggest that they just become more conspicuous once breeding is over as they spend more time in the open. However,  I do tend to associate seeing them with autumn.  Sounds like a PhD in the waiting!

Female Scarlet Robin

Female Scarlet Robin

Male Scarlet Robin
Now it's over to you - click on the link below and off you go.  We have been getting over 60 links in recent weeks, which is great - however, please feel free to invite anybody else you know to join in.  The more the merrier.  SM


  1. Beautiful birds!Great shots!

  2. Great shots Stewart.
    Beautiful birds with beautiful colors.
    Greetings Irma

  3. Nice little bird, ain't got that one in Norway.

  4. Hi Stewart! Thanks for visiting and commenting.
    Very nice blog you have with all the different birds.
    Its very nice to learn about the wildlife in different parts of the World like this.
    I love to photograph moose and roes . It was a very long time since I saw our moose. THe roes are more in the forrest now. Soon will the fawns come.
    We have also hogs but they are difficult to get...
    Have a nice day!

  5. Hello Stewart, your Scarlet Robin is beautiful. It has such a pretty colorful breast. Great shots, thanks for hosting. Have a happy day!

  6. Oh my, I thought the female was amazing until I saw the male! Beautiful!

  7. pretty bird....and love your header Stewart.

  8. They can be extremely noisy, but I like them when they are behaving themselves. Lovely images of the robin.

  9. The Scarlet Robins are very beautiful. Wish we had them here in the states!

  10. What a fantastic looking bird Stewart

  11. I agree, the only similarity to our Robin is the red breast. Your Robins is much more brightly colored and definately smaller. But a Robin is a Robin, right? We have so many Robins here that when my friend and I spot them while we are walking we say (almost in unison)"Just a Robin". But there is no "just" sbout them ... they are beautiful and have a delightful series of songs that they sing all summer. So we really do enjoy them ... Have a wonderful week, Stewart ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  12. Birds on a that combo! Those robins are beautiful. I wish ours looked like that. I will link up later in the week. Thanks for hosting!

  13. So envious Stewart, your robins are pure delight.. I find it really hard to capture the little birds, they flit around so quickly.. I spotted a tiny red beauty in Toodyay, no way it would hold still :)

  14. Love your title and your birds are always so beautiful, Stewart! Hope your week is off to a great start! Enjoy!

  15. Beautiful little bird, lovely colored

  16. What a beautiful pair of birds!

  17. That is the most loveable Robin I have seen, well done Stewart.

  18. They certainly are a colorful little bird. Nice shots. I have a hummingbird fence line shot that is a favorite of mine.

  19. Hi Stewart!
    Wow, what sweet little birds you got here! Very nice photos.

  20. Gorgeous little bird. I am surprised at how many different kinds of robins are out there. Pretty nice selection of colorful birds! This is a new one for me.

  21. Such sweet little birds. Beautiful colouration. Nice shots Stewart!

  22. Oh, they are just lovely! Such pretty colors.

  23. They're beautiful little birds! Thank you for hosting.

  24. Interesting bird, the Australian fauna has to offer many interesting species.

  25. I've probably only seen a couple of scarlet robins in my lifetime. These imiages are so adorable. And love the green bokeh highlighting the robin colours.

  26. I really like those scarlet Robins. The red and black look great together. From Findlay

  27. Great photos of beautiful birds. That's another one I would like to see someday.

  28. Whether as a Citizen Scientist or a PhD candidate, there is so much to discover about the habits of birds. Nice little "robins" no matter to whom they are related!

  29. It's a stunning little bird to see... many thanks for sharing

  30. The sweetest little beautiful. :)

  31. So sweet.... missing in action this week, busy packing up. See ya soon.

  32. Hi Stewart, love those Robins and their little fence possie is just perfect for a photo too :D)

  33. I like the simplicity of these photos... beautiful shots!

  34. This is a very interesting site and I get to see bird I'll never see in person. Thanks for setting it up and love your picgtures.

  35. Cute little bird! Definitely looks different from the American robin.

  36. What sweet sweet birds. I love the colors. MB

  37. ...I love the robin family; fabulous photos Stewart

  38. How delightful and the birds have a great place to look for bugs and also enjoy the view...Very nice series~

  39. HI Stewart I have never seem this lovely little bird unfortunately. I am in Donegal and hoping (weather permitting) to go to Tory Island tomorrow for 2 nights. Thanks for hosting.

  40. Die Rotkehlchen sind einfach entzückend. Du hast sie gut erwischt in 3 schönen Posen !

  41. Love the robins! I'm glad to be back! :-)

  42. Love these! Great perch and I like the minimalism!

  43. They are so darling and unique, Stewart!! I love the shape of their heads...:)JP

  44. Beautiful birds and photos Stewart!
    Even the female is a beauty!

  45. Lovely Robons Stewart! I'm fascinate by the different varieties of a robins - from yours, to the another American Robins, to Thor in the UK and especially the blue-breasted Scandinavian robin. I wonder if they all have such lovely songs?

  46. Superb photographs of a really beautiful bird, Stewart!

    Good luck with your PhD pursuit! :)

  47. What a nice little bird, scarlet robin. Interesting how birds look so different all over.

  48. Wire fences make for superb bird perches and even better for photography, they help immensely with the bokeh that most crave for... lol

    Its a very smart species Stewart.

  49. Que de jolis oiseaux inconnus pour moi ! superbe :)
    Ton pays regorge de merveilles !
