
Friday 25 July 2014

A post at last!

Greetings - have some of you may have noticed I have not been replying to comments over the last month.  This was because I was in the UK for a month and put the blog on the back burner tallow for friends, family and such like - all the post were scheduled before I left, just to keep things ticking over!

So, normal service will resume, and I'll be back out and about in the world of blogs soon!



  1. Oh, yes, Stewart!! Welcome back indeed!! Thank you for letting us know! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Stewart And you didn't come to see me!!!!! Welcome back. You did say you would be in the U, but I forgot and wondered where you were. the UK is now having a heat wave so you are missing that, even Northern Ireland is having one too.

  4. Welcome back Stewart.
    I hope you have had a lovely time there.
    Best regards, Irma

  5. Welcome home. It was a delight to meet you and your family and see the face behind the blog.

  6. I hope you had a fun trip to the UK. Welcome home!

  7. In the UK, hope you enjoyed our warm weather, tad hot for me at the moment.

  8. You have been in UK have you, lovely place when it's not raining. Cheers Stewart.

  9. I hope you had a great time and I'm sure you took a photo or two, while you were there.

  10. Welcome back to the Land of Oz. Of course, now we expect loads of photos! No excuses allowed! :)

  11. Welcome back to Blogland! When you say you'd like to see South Africa, I suggest you visit East Africa, if it's for birding. We are birders in SA but NOTHING like we enjoy in EA. Kenya was very good for birding and I left there with my heart in my mouth. Here in Tanzania, we'd been here a month or so, and a friend took us along the bush road after leaving the mining area; we've never looked back! We've seen more birds in Tanzania - right here in a 5km radius of our home in the town, than anywhere else in Africa! And that includes a ten-day tour in the Masaai Mara GR in Kenya, in 2011, where the birding was brilliant! I'm off on break to SA now' I'll still be in transit on Wednesday but will post for WBW. Greetings. Jo

  12. Welcome back--of course we ALL missed you. I know you had a good vacation. MB
