
Tuesday 15 July 2014

Classic Australian 2

With the possible exception of wolves, the poor old Koala must be subject to more myths than almost any other animal that actually exists.

1. They are not a bear - in fact they are more closely related to Wombats than any other species
2. They are not drunk - yes, they are fermenting their food, but thats because they (just like any other mammal) cannot digest cellulose, and they are waiting for the bacteria in their guts to do the work for them.
3. They are not in a drugged stupor because of toxins in the leaves - see above!


1. Yes, they do spend most of their time asleep - but thats because they are waiting for the bugs to do their work.  And also, if your diet was basically nutrient poor cardboard, you would spend as much time asleep as possible!

2. Yes, their brain does not fill their cranium! A good 30% of the volume of the cranium is taken up with a kind of pale jelly.  In the evolutionary war between low energy use and university graduation, low energy use won!

But there are, never the less, a cracking animal!

You can find more pictures from around the world at Our World Tuesday.  SM


  1. Now ins't he so cute and good to have the information about them

  2. Oh, adorable indeed!! Thanks for sharing this one, Stewart!!

  3. Yes, poor maligned koalas. Just like bats which think are way cool.

  4. does cracking imply cute?

    'Cause they're definitely cute.

  5. Aww!! Lovely creature! Thanks for the info, but he does look like a teddy.

  6. Sooo cute! Nice shot and thanks for sharing such a darling photo.

  7. So sweet and beautiful little koala:)

  8. And they are so darn cute. Adorable photo. Have a happy week!

  9. So darn cute! Good to have all the right information.

  10. So much I did know. I do now. I'd like to hold one sometime.

  11. They are such adorable creatures! What a lovely picture.

  12. So sweet and pretty little koala.
    Well photographed, Stewart.

  13. I didn't know about that whole jelly situation, thanks for that!

    Great photo of an iconic Australian here - love the sleepy look over the shoulder.

  14. Thanks for the accompanying facts. Never knew that about koalas. Great photo too.

  15. Koala "bear" dolls were always favorites of our granddaughters. Interesting facts about them. Thak for visiting my blog while I was away. I too am striving to catch up on correspondence.

  16. I love these little guys! Sweet shot Stewart!

  17. I've learnt something new today Stewart. Thank you, plus a super picture of a Koala to smile at.

  18. Fantastic info, Stewart!
    I've never had the pleasure of meeting a koala. But we happen to have been seeing wolf sign in the woods behind our house in the past few days.

  19. It's a ruse. They look all cute and sweet and sleepy until they rear their fangs and claws and drop on your head. Drop bears, people. Drop bears.

  20. I love Koalas.. so Australian & cute!

  21. Who those great looks, they don't have to be too smart. They are so cute.

  22. Such a fascinating animal! I love all the info you included. And well, the photo is just TOO CUTE. They can't help being some of the cutest critters on the planet, that's for sure.
