
Monday 28 July 2014

Hampstead High Street 1; A Walk with Jet Lag

We arrived in London early in the morning, and despite the obvious attraction of going to bed, we tried to settle into out accommodation and generally stay awake.

We rented a small flat, over a shoe shop, on Hampstead High Street, just a short walk from Hampstead Heath.  There was a pub just over the road, and book shop just up it.  There was milk in the fridge and tea in the cupboard.  Who could ask for more!

Those of you who have followed my blogs may have noticed I have a tendency to look for things small and generally unnoticed - so on my first walk I photographed doors, street signs and found new way to show that I really was in Hampstead.

I'm not sure if these will appeal to many people - only time will tell.

You can find more images from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. The curtained doors is curious.

  2. I used to live in Golders Green just around the corner, so these photos make me a little 'homesick' for a time long gone!

    I never saw the curtained door, but the tube and painted street signs are familiar sights. Looking forward to more shots!

  3. I really love that yellow door. Have a great day Stewart!

  4. Hi Stewart,
    These are wonderful doors.
    I love the door with the curtain.
    Best regards, Irma

  5. the first shot- pure energy and emotion of the moment! cheers from Poland. Wanda

  6. loved the doorways, but the curtained one was very different!

  7. Stewart I hope you enjoy your stay in the UK. The brightly painted doors are very welcoming, but the curtained one is innovative, never seen a door like it.

  8. Well your pictures appeal to me - a glimpse into a world I will never see. I'll stick with a screened door over a curtain door.

  9. Wonderful doorways and so colorful! The curtained one is definitely different!! Have a great week, Stewart!!

  10. Those doors say to me ' Ball and Farrow' paint. An expensive and away from the usual colour card type of paint. Hampstead indeed.

  11. Nice to see some doorways I instantly recognise.

  12. Ik vind de deur met het gordijn wel heel erg mooi.

  13. Artful depictions of the colorful doorways.

  14. I love the doors you photographed especially the yellow one.

  15. I love the colorful doorways! Looking forward to more photos from your trip.

  16. I love the colored doors! I have never seen a curtain on the outside of a door. There is a Hampstead in Maryland not far from me.. Great shots, have a happy week!

  17. I love doors and these are great!

  18. Love the first picture with the name barely visible. Love how the owners showed their individuality in their door decor.

  19. Very creative photography ~ love the doors and sounds like a fun stay ~ great shots for OWT ~ thanks,

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  20. Love all the different doors. I've just moved and my new house has a RED door. Love it.

  21. The brightly coloured doors are wonderful - and the outside curtain is memorable!!
    your first picture is very appealing- to me, at least :)

  22. Oh, I love the small details you found! Just got back myself after long flight delays!

  23. Welcome back Stewart. I bet your redheads enjoyed the trip as much as you did. So glad you could take the family with you,

  24. Why does anyone need a curtain on their front door?

    We rented an apartment for our 3 days in London. It was a stone's throw from the Tower Hill station and overlooked the Tower of London. Very nice place but we found we were on the go too much to do any cooking ourselves. Tea was all we made.

  25. I think they're great. Hope you had a superb time here Stewart.

  26. Oh I love this ... like you, I enjoy even the littlest things that I see. The doors are awesome ... are these row houses? Interesting how each person has a different approach to their door and all very artsy :) I am guessing, but was the first a subway train zooming by? I know they have high speed trains in London ... way ahead of us that way. Our lazy congress won't pass a bill on anything and especially if it requires money. That said, I am hoping this is the beginning of seeing London as it really is through your eyes ... looking forward to it.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  27. LOVE the doors! Again, reminds me of doors we saw in Ireland.

  28. Hampstead: very classy. I think living in Finsbury Park was the nearest I ever got to living the Hampstead dream............
