
Thursday 23 October 2014

Common Brushtail Possum

More wildlife from my back garden!

This is a Brushtail Possum, a common night time visitor to our garden.  This picture was taken  few week ago and our trees now have more leaves - but that can all change very quickly with these cat sized beasts about.

If ever there was an animal I would like to keep out of my vegetable path it would be this one!

You can find more animals from around the world at Saturday's Critters.

Something strange is happening with Blogger and word verification - I have it turned off on my blogs, but some people still see it.  At present this is beyond my control - I hope you can find the strength to do battle with it if you see it!!  SM


  1. The Brushtail Possum looks cuter than the Opossums that come to our yard, one killed some of my poultry. But I'm sure at cat-sized yours could do lots of damage to vegetables, plus be able to climb fences. I struggle with voles, moles, rabblits, deer, but have not linked garden damage to raccoons or possums even though they are around. It seems like there is always something. Good shot.

  2. I'll trade you four American opossums for a wallaby.

  3. Your brushtail possum is much cuter than the ones that visit us!

  4. PS - no word verification for me! :)

  5. Beautiful photo of the Brushtail Possum.
    Good shot, Stewart.
    This animal is not attend in the Netherlands.
    Best regards, Irma
    PS, for me also not a word verification.

  6. they're cuter than ours, yes. :)

    i've had a few report word verification at my place, too, even though i emphatically have it set to "NO!" *sigh*

  7. Nice pic of the possum. Hope he stays out of your garden! I've noticed the same word verification on my blog too - and I also have it turned off. It did not come up for me just now when I left this comment on your blog.

  8. We have a nice, fat opossum that cleans up anything the birds left on the ground. Thankfully we don't have veggies or chickens in our yard.

  9. And he does have a BUSHY tail!! Definitely cuter than the ones here!! Have a great day, Stewart!!

  10. That's weird. I wonder if some folks just need to empty their caches? No problem here.

  11. Wat prachtig en dit in je eigen tuin?

  12. My sister-in-law has a problem with these possums and we saw one briefly while we were there!!! Diane

  13. Our opossums are also omnivores, and indeed eat anything and everything!

  14. Oh wow! Certainly doesn't look like our American opossums...yours looks much better!

  15. Aww, I would think having such a beauty in your garden would be worth a few vegetable sacrifices or two! :)

  16. This is much cuter than our opossums!

  17. Nice! Certainly beats our Squirrels.

  18. I think every possum that lives on Tamborine Mountain plays on my roof at night! It sounds like a herd of elephants are playing football up there!

  19. Gotta love how some of the nocturnal critters have such huge eyes. Good shot!

  20. Hello Stewart, I hope it stays out of your garden.. Neat shot of your Brushtail Possum.. Thank you for linking up, have a happy weekend!

  21. A nice animal to have visiting your garden on a regular basis Stewart. We get excited about a common Hedgehog - you know how mammals are hard to come by in the UK.

  22. Better in your garden than in your roof, like at our place slowly munching their way through the electrics...
    Ours are clearly not such cute critters as yours!

  23. UH OH! I hope you're not going to have tons of trouble this spring!

  24. Love your wonderful brushy tailed critter! The Opossums we see in N. America are shy, defenseless creatures (except for "playing possum" or playing dead) I would think these animals are not related to ours, but I don't know.

    It's interesting about the Word Verification. Seems it isn't as hard to read as it used to be, so it doesn't annoy me as much as before. But still blogger must have some kind of glitch. I haven't had any real trouble on your site though.

  25. What a cute looking critter! It can't possibly cause any problems.

  26. He’s pretty cute but I bet he eats gardens like mad. Our possums have a skinny tail, therefore yours is cuter.

    I am having that word ver. problem on some blogs where I never used to, but not on yours. Im glad you said this because I thought it was something I was doing wrong.

  27. He’s pretty cute but I bet he eats gardens like mad. Our possums have a skinny tail, therefore yours is cuter.

    I am having that word ver. problem on some blogs where I never used to, but not on yours. Im glad you said this because I thought it was something I was doing wrong.

  28. They are such cute animals but definitely not for the veggie patch or anywhere near fruit trees..

  29. Neat shot of this cute critter.
