
Friday 10 October 2014

I think I need a bigger room / When are you going to move out?

Kangaroos are probably even more iconic of Australia than the koala I posted a while back.  Despite the evidence circulating in certain social media sites, most of us don't have 'roos in the garden, or fighting each other in the street!

However, even through I live in a reasonably urban area, there are kangaroos within 15 minutes of my house - you just need to know where to find them!

These pictures were taken much further from home than that - if the truth be told, these animals are very used to people - they live in and around a small town calls Halls Gaps, and can be found most evening browsing on the towns sports oval!

These animals were just over the back fence of the house we stayed in - very close to where I saw the emus.

So, here is an Eastern Grey Kangaroo, complete with a well grown joey.  I am always surprised at the size of joeys that can still get into and back out of the their mother's pouch.

with added Kookaburra!

You can find more creatures from around the world at Saturday Critters.


  1. that just makes me ache to think about it. :)

  2. Ouch, yeah, it's time for Joey to leave the nest.
    What beautiful photos of mama and baby; she doesn't seem worried about being "shot" by you.

  3. Mom doesn't seem too over-burdened. I wonder if some Joeys leave the pouch sooner than others or if there is an exact number of days when they all jump to independence. (I bet Mr Google knows -- I will probably get stuck down a rabbit hole if I start to look that up.... so many things to learn, so little time!)

  4. Those are great pictures! I'm tired for that mama!

  5. Fantastic shots of the mama and joey! They have the sweetest faces.

  6. Sombody needs to buy that Mama a stroller for her not so little toddler. I am sure if it was uncomfortable, she would kick him out ... Nature has a better grasp on discipline than poeple do in my experience. Wonderful pictures, Stewart ... this had to be a most enjoyable trip.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  7. A while back, we had an episode on public television here about the "urban kangaroos" in Canberra. Getting hit by cars is apparently a big hazard for them.

  8. I did see that fighting in the street video of kangaroos and almost wrote to ask you about it. ha ha.

    That joey looks pretty hefty to be carted around still like that.

  9. Great photos! The little one in the pouch made me smile! :)

  10. Yep, just does not look comfortable for either one of them.

  11. I think that Joey is taking advantage of his mama! Great shots.

  12. What adorable shots! That joey really looks too big for that pouch!

  13. Great photos of kangaroo with young in the pouch.
    The little kangaroo is actually too big, not so good for the mother.
    Best regards, Irma

  14. I wouldn't want to leave either. She looks like a wonderful mama!

  15. maar hij of zij heeft wel een warme plek.

  16. Mom looks like she is getting tired of hauling Joey around. Move out---yesterday!

  17. Great array. Loved the bonus kookaburra

    Beats our gators hands down.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Oh my gosh! These are brilliant! Not sure if that's comfortable:) Looks a bit hot inside:)

  20. That's just fantastic. One of those must sees that I hope to tick off my bucket list one of these days.

  21. Great photos! The little one made me laugh! They're such interesting creatures.

  22. Isn't that video great that's circulating at present with the two boxing kangaroos out in the street in front of homes in suburbia. They don't help dispel the ideas lots of folks have about kangaroos running down our main streets! lol

    Great photos, as usual, Stewart. Have a great weekend. :)

  23. Love these shots! That pouch must have superb elasticity!

  24. HAHA a bigger room for sure.. Cute shots of the Kangaroos.. The Joey is adorable..Happy weekend!

  25. They're so cute! The joey looks to big for mom's pouch.

    To answer your question about the eiders in the river. The birds are almost 3 meters long. This was the second summer they were anchored in the river.

  26. What lovely wildlife opportunities your friends have! Love these two beauties! The joey is staying close as long as possible isn't he?! :-)

  27. Neat shots. I think I would have already pushed that one out of the pouch!

  28. Wonderful and cute shots.
    Definitely a great mom!

  29. Wonderful photos of the kangaroos, it's hard to imagine living around such animals. I think the mother looks very alert and caring, probably is not looking forward to baby not needing her anymore, just to state the other side of the coin. I've noticed animal mothers are pretty good about kicking the young ones out of the nest.
