
Monday 6 October 2014

The Things They Left Behind 1 : Bedford Truck

This is the first it what will be an occasional series called The Things They Left Behind.  I am trying to find "left" objects that tell some form of story, but just let the pictures tell the story itself.  In other words, I hope to include enough information in the images to allow people to construct a story from the pictures - whether the story is correct or no is not the point, I just want people to look at the pictures and think about what story they tell.

Of course, you don't have to tell your version of the story in any comments you leave, in fact, you don't have to comment at all really!  I'm just trying something different.

You can find more pictures from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. This were a perfekt picture for a HDR! :o)

  2. Hi Stewart,
    Beautiful series of photos.
    This is a very old truck.
    Moss grows on the doors.
    Best regards, Irma

  3. A beautiful'olde' truck, well worth having a camera, excellentphotos.

  4. I like your idea, Stewart. And the truck and the various closeups of it do create thoughts in my mind. ;)

  5. If only I'd used a satnav!

  6. Realizing he had run out of petrol, the man left his truck where it died and hitched a ride to the nearest town to get some help. He was never seen again and his truck still sits there just as he left it nine years ago.

  7. That poor truck has seen better days, huh? Nice shots!

  8. Ah, I can relate to "old" things whether they be cars, trucks or people!! After all, I'm one of them!! Great idea for the day, Stewart!!

  9. Interesting oh those poor trucks.

    Stewart. Glad I can get you here as I added you on G+ and sat there in the wilderness. So I went off for good. You need an inspectors permanent to get noticed.

  10. That's a fun idea! We are always thinking of possible stories of what happened to the people when we see vacant houses (some with children's toys left outside even) or old, neglected vehicles.

    The truck looks loaded and ready to go somewhere!

  11. Now that old truck has been setting around for quite a while. Neat story telling shots. MB

  12. oh my...EVERY photo should tell some kind of story. What would be the point of capturing something with no story.

    Just saying

  13. You work the land with all of your heart and soul. And then the economy dies and the U-Haul truck arrives leaving behind your hopes and dreams and an old truck full of memories.......

  14. Marvelopus photos of this beautiful old car. Amazing !
    Best regards, Synnöve

  15. Great idea Stewart and something that's right up my street. Do this all the time when I come across mysterious objects.

  16. Cool old truck! It looks like it was abandoned with its last load.

  17. Wonderful idea and great shots of vintage items ~ When I see items such as these I always think of the 'stories' they could tell ~ thanks!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Next time I bet he remembered to add an extra barrel of fuel to his load.

    He ran out of fuel, and then had to leg it the rest of the way home, but on the way he fell, hitting his head. The crack to his skull caused loss of memory. Not only did he not remember where he'd left the truck, he didn't remember even having one!

    After his headache subsided he got a job in the local haberdashery where he remained for the duration of his working life, having found his lost calling, if not his lost truck.

  19. Sad and lovely at the same time (that's my story and I'm sticking to it.) You sure you weren't in Alaska when you took this? You have no idea how much of this kind of stuff we saw up there! (Big spaces, no zoning ....). And it IS fun (and sometimes poignant) to think about what happened, even when your story may not be anywhere near the truth. Keep it up -- I love this series idea.

  20. Stewart, it is a great old truck! I agree with the first poster about doing a HDR version. Great find! The series sounds like a great idea.. Have a happy week!

  21. I think this is a great idea for a series. This is a wonderful find and a good way to start.

  22. Looks like they left it long ago! Urban decay is one of my fav subject to shoot too!

  23. Lovely shots of this rusted beauty. If only the truck could talk and let us know why it was abandoned.

  24. WHAT A GREAT IDEA. Yes the truck does conjure up a story.. Love the textures and colour of the light together. Now who would have abandoned a truck with its load in a forest?

  25. While visiting Rubbish Tuesday I had to laugh... all the guys who submitted posts for that, the subject is old cars/trucks. Just goes to show you what's in a man's heart.

  26. A Ford, but the kind of Ford that I'm use to seeing. Nice patina I must say. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  27. This truck was abandoned suddenly, I think. Maybe its owner died or had to move away because of illness. That green stuff all over the truck says it is no different from the trees around it in the view of this lichen (?) Great photos. Interesting! It does make you wonder!

  28. I tried in vain to read the date on the license tag. There is a slogan: Victoria On the Move!

  29. lol, always fun to try new things. Ypu did well this time. Love teh old truck as a photo object but not as something in nature. :)

    MY OWT:

  30. Good idea Stewart! Nice find and nice photos of it. I was wondering if that stuff on the truck was moss, or mold growing on bird droppings...

  31. That is a great find. I love the moss growing and the fact that it is still loaded. My story would have to do with zombies. You know, "The Walking Dead".
