
Tuesday 21 October 2014

The Things They Left Behind 2: Camberwell Bank Facade

There must be a story here - this building has looked like this for at least 15 years.

Well, what do you think?

More pictures from around the world at Our World Tuesday.  SM


  1. Beautiful photos Stewart.
    This church has long been empty.
    Then you get them there sticking of everything.
    Best regards, Irma

  2. I think a rich dude should buy the building, convert it to a fancy hotel and make billions more.

  3. Hmmmm, I think I agree with Anni! It's a shame to see this happen to an old building when it could be saved along with its history. Great shots as always, Stewart! Have a great new week!!

  4. Heel mooi gefotografeerd maar het ziet er niet uit .

  5. My theory is that the property has been bought by a developer who is sitting on it waiting for prices to rise then he can make a killing.

  6. Hmm, maybe depends on what I thought of the bank.

  7. I think that there is a stark contrast between what was and what is ... a sad story to be told somewhere, though when a bank closes down, I often think there is something amiss ... maybe even criminal that brought it to it's knees. But, in today's world, the banks are allowed to be criminal and to bring us to our knees without any repercussions ... a big part of what is wrong with our world today. It all falls umder the heading of Greed! Now, aren't you sorry you asked? You did take some awesome pictures here, lest I forget to mention it :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  8. Great photos, maybe a ghost lives inside and or the owner lies forgotten in a room.

  9. So horribly defaced. I'm sure it was once a beautiful's beauty is peeking through.

  10. Such a shame that its beauty has been hidden.

  11. Fascinating post and photography of the beauty behind all the graffiti ~ Great shots!

    Happy Week to you.

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  12. What a shame! I think it needs to be saved!

  13. Was it a bank? It looks like it could be beautiful if renovated..Great post and photos, Stewart.

  14. Oh if all old buildings could be restored and revalued for today. Interesting!

  15. Yes, very sad to see such disrepect for property, but beneath the ugliness the original magnificent architecture shines through, together with the beautifully ornate iron work. Thanks for sharing Stewart.

  16. I like street art when it fits - this looks more like vandalism - what a sad sight:(

  17. It has certainly seen better days... its crying out for someone to restore it to its former beauty. Maybe you could dig up some "before photos" for comparison and send them to the local paper - it might create some interest?

  18. I think, that is sad, but intteresting and painterly too. So much has left its footprint and I could look for hours and think about stories..
    Thanks for sharing this great pictures

  19. Gorgeous shots - but sad to see so much graffiti. (By the way, did you know word verification has been switched back on?)

  20. If the inside is even slightly as detailed as the outside. Then it is a crying shame that it's going to seed. Nice photos Stewart.

  21. Bit of an eye sore now but must have been a beautiful building once. Perhaps someone will restore it to its former glory.

  22. It's sad but somehow these looks beautiful in photos. :)

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  24. It is maddening whenever a beautiful work of architecture or art is defaced with scribbling and no longer respected or cared for.

  25. Interesting, and I might say artful. But, it is sad to see what was a beautiful building in such shape.
