
Wednesday 8 May 2024

Wild Bird Wednesday 615 - Greylag Goose

In the UK the Greylag Goose (Anser anser) is a bit of a mixed bag in terms of its wildness.  In Scotland, especially in the winter, Greylags are a true wild goose.  In England they are much more likely to be at least semi-feral rather then truly wild.

However, I still think they are a good looking bird (and some real wild geese will be along on WBW soon). 

These birds were loafing about at Snettisham RSPB reserve in Norfolk.  The Greylag is the largest of the geese you see in the UK and has a weight of about 2,900-3,700g and a wingspan of 147-180cm.

This species is the ancestor of most domestic geese.

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  1. Love the geese and ducks. There are many interesting interbreeding stories around Waikiki where we see ducks everyday. The rouen seems to have been popular with farmers back in the day and we see their descendants interbreeding with the wilds. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Beautiful specimens. Great shots!

  3. The canada geese are nesting here and they're fiesty on the trails! But seeing the goslings is always sweet.

  4. They're a very photo-worthy goose and one I'd never seen until we went to Alaska (and still haven't since then). I didn't think about their being the ancestor of most domestic geese, but now that you tell me I can see it.

  5. These geese look so relaxing in the habitat

  6. The second last pic is gorgeous!

  7. Great shots! I believe they were introduced to Virginia as a farm animal, but they have thrived in the wild. They can be aggressive. I was bitten by one of them, and thereafter threatened on a regular basis. I have no idea why that goose hated me.
